Lieutenant General
Maybe it's cynicism but I found all these revelations underwhelming. Not because I think it's not a big deal. It's all about are we surprised that this happens? It's called politics. And like the media isn't just feeding off their own hypocrisy and don't look for angles to get as many viewers or readers as they can just to beat their competition? Pointing out that the Libyan government had suspicions about it resulting from the unruliness of protestors sounded to me like a knee-jerk reaction from a government dependent on the US worried the US was going to turn on them and not that they were whole believers and defenders in the truth. Just like the stories about Khaddafi's end, how many different angles did we hear happen there from the Libyans themselves. Interesting that they're so judgemental and critical about the facts here and while at the same time seem not to care about how they report on China. And they can spin this right here it's because everything they report about China is the truth. It's tokenism. Just show one example and it's a picture of the whole.
What the media here are doing in this hypocritical reporting is covering up their own laziness. "Let's blame it on the government for giving us false information to report." Isn't it their job on finding out the truth instead of parroting what people tell them? All they were thinking about was beating their competition on who was going to get it out to the public first and they know if it turns out wrong, they can just blame someone else. Or they can blame the viewer and reader because all the media is doing is giving the public what they want. That's called irresponsible. Who would argue mob rule is the best? That's what essentially the media is hiding behind apart from their own responsibilities. The free press is worthless because they're saying it is free speech to shout "Fire!" in a crowded theater.
What the media here are doing in this hypocritical reporting is covering up their own laziness. "Let's blame it on the government for giving us false information to report." Isn't it their job on finding out the truth instead of parroting what people tell them? All they were thinking about was beating their competition on who was going to get it out to the public first and they know if it turns out wrong, they can just blame someone else. Or they can blame the viewer and reader because all the media is doing is giving the public what they want. That's called irresponsible. Who would argue mob rule is the best? That's what essentially the media is hiding behind apart from their own responsibilities. The free press is worthless because they're saying it is free speech to shout "Fire!" in a crowded theater.
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