Well I remember seeing it...
And I remember how they were talking about...
The Cox Report used Tsien Hsue-Shen, one of the founders of the Jet Propulsion Labarotory as an example. Everyone knows he was railroaded...
Come on, Assasin, all of this is conjecture. What is "remembered" and what "everyone knows," yet there is not a single link to a verifiable, credible source for any of it. I did give you a link to the Cox Report and the things you state are simply not in there in terms of any shred of attempt to disallow people anything because of their race or culture. It does speak to ideology, which is an entirely different matter.
assaisnsmace said:
Wen Ho Lee as you have stated was American and of Taiwanese descent and all the charges on him except one was dropped. There's was no proof he was a spy. That alone tells you they will target Americans without any proof.
The charges were dropped because there was no proof, as I said...except for the one, of mishandling secret documents, where there was ample proof, and he was convicted of that. So, where there was no proof, it was dropped, where there was proof, he was convuicted. That's how the system is supposed to work. And in his case...it did!
Then he was paid millions because the government under Clinton did intentionally leak his name before charges were filed. He filed suite and won! Again, it worked exaclty as it should for him, despite his race. If there was this racial exclusion and attack against Chinese he would never have been awarded that money...and yet he was.
assaisnsmace said:
The ACLU was asked to help in this civil rights case and the answer from them was they didn't believe Chinese had rights.
That's a very serious charge, Assassin, and the ACLU is not an organization I generally admire very much...but this charge is so obtuse, you simply have to give us a credible link to a source where the ACLU said this. I simply do not believe they did.
assaisnsmace said:
Do you know of Republican Matt Fong who ran against Barbara Boxer for California's senate seat. He lost that election and George Bush afterwards nominated him for some position in the Pentagon since Fong was an Air Force veteran. Some Republican in Congress brought up how he was Chinese and that alone killed his nomination.
Oh, Hoigwash, Assasin. Can you sorce or link to where a US Congressman, and a republican at that, said anything negative about Fong on the House or Senate floor because he was Chinese? You never will. Nothjing like that killed Matt Fong's nomination Assassin. He was a Republican and a veteran. The Democrats killed it along political lines, plain and simple...not because he was Chinese.
assaisnsmace said:
It's not really hard to believe that someone in Congress would try to pass a law that targets someone on race alone. I did some surfing but haven't found anything yet to back my case.
And until, and unless you do...I rest mine. These cannot be wild-eyed, far left, or other sources, Assassin, I am talking about credible, verifiable news sources. "He said she said," does not cut it with such broad accusations as these.
assaisnsmace said:
But then looking for more specific information on the incident with David Wu was hard to find too but I found something for that. You can find a CNN link mentioning it here
The 80-20 is an Asian PAC to try and address discrimination.
I have no doubt that there are isolated cases of discrimination...even by some government employees. I support the 80-20 in rooting that out. But there has not been, as a Result of the Cox Report, or in the last 50 years, any passed, or even introduced legislation in the US House or Senate that I am aware of in the least, that would bar an individuals involvement in US research simply because of his or her race or descent being Chinese. If they had neen a membetr of affialiated with the Communist Party? Yes. If they were not a US citizen? Yes. If they were a member of any crime organization or other organization criminally plotting against the US? Yes. If they had committed felonious crimes or been convicted of various trust/character related crimes? Yes. But not on the basis of them simply being of Chinese descent.