Who do you think would support banning guns in the story above? The grandpa or those three monsters?
Also an extreme and sensationalist story that is hardly representative of what happens the overwhelming majority of the time.
I would venture that those three scumbags would not have been so bold if they themselves did not have guns.
The typical pro-gun rejoinder that the criminals will not be stopped by making guns illegal is patently untrue, as is evidenced by every other country in the world.
True, truly determined criminals will always be able to get hold of guns, but tightly controlling the supply of guns and ammunition would significantly increase the cost of procurement and operation of any guns they might have. The consequences of being caught with a firearm would also be much more server and immediate.
All of that makes it far more unlikely that common criminals, like the ones in that story, would be able to afford to get guns or be inclined to use them lightly even if they had them.
The lack of large scale commercial shooting facilities would also greatly limit the ability of criminals to practice with any guns they go get, making them far less proficient with the guns than they would otherwise be if they could easily and legally practice regularly without worrying about drawing police attention.
That means that in the event that armed police have to take on armed criminals, the odds are overwhelmingly on the side of the police.
That makes the police far less jumpy and less incident to shoot first and ask questions later.
It is interesting that in the US today, it is literally impossible to gather reliable and comprehensive statistics on the number of people the police shoot and kill, even when there is a law explicitly demanding it (the law was sloppily written and the police have lost no time in exploiting loopholes to report meaningless statistics that comply with the law but which doesn't give any useful figures).
Based on anecdotal evidence, which unfortunately is the best anyone could get short of hacking every police force internal database in the US, if the actual figures were made known, it would probably shock a lot of Americans and far more non-Americans.
As a gun lover myself, I do often chaff at the strict gun laws the UK have in place, but I recognise that it is a necessary evil that saves a great many lives.
I really cannot understand how any reasonable person can look at the per capital gun related death rates in the US in comparison with every other country not in the midst of an active conflict and not think its gun laws play a pivotal part in that gruesome tally.
I mean, what other possible explanation is there for that inescapable fact? That Americans are just that much more homicidal than every other people in the world?