your pun made me laugh
may kim have mercy on their soul
It's time that someone has to go home, and as we expected, the first one is France. One draw and two losses, it's not something the France team is supposed to perform. They are really, really bad.
What a embarassment the French team turned out to be, they should be red carded fromeven competeing for a place in the European and next World cup.
The French coach Domenech even refused to shake the S.A coach Parreira's hand.
and fancy picking ones players on astrology readings.
sarkozy is the one that really has to take advice from kim on how to deal with his players
les bleus is fucking embarrassment, and the main reason was their coach, who should be rid off a long time ago. but oh wells im glad they sucked and lost this match. now not only france is gone, domenech must go too
maybe i'll be more hopeful of this team next fifa
in contrast while france sucked shit, north korea totally earned respect from everyone. they played respectfully without even committing any fouls. not only that, even against the best, they played so excellent and only lost to portugal in a bad defeat cause of a loss of tactics.
while the world point fingers and criticize their motherland, this team earned our respect.
Based on their performance, we can say that France didn't even deserve to be there, considering they only got in because the beat Ireland (a team that really wanted it and deserved it) on a handball, which IIRC was acknowledged as such by FIFA, after the fact.
Read that article. It describes the North Korean propaganda leading up to the match. Apparently the Dear Leader gave "in depth tactical advice" by means of "invisible mobile phones" that the players carried and that he invented. :rofl:
Maybe they didn't actually say that, but hey I don't know if you can make this stuff up.
It does sound like barrel scrapping propaganda to me. A question to ask yourself however, is how many of the senior politicians in your country, talk to and get advice from, an Invisible Old Man that lives in the sky?