Canadian Forces soldiers from Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Battle Group, designated as Task Force 1-08, participating in Operation TIMIS PREEM in the Zhari district of Kandahar, Afghanistan. The operation took place between the dates of August 20 and August 23, 2008. According to Canadian military officials shortly after the conclusion of the operation, the Canadian Forces destroyed a Taliban compound and crippled the insugents' ability to make and plant roadside bombs.
Lieutenant Colonel Gordon Corbould, Canadian commander of Joint Task Force Afghanistan (JTFA), said the operation's objective was to strike at the Taliban's command and control infrastructure and take away their ability to conduct operations against Afghan and coalition forces operating in the Kandahar Province, specifically the creation and deployment of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) which are used against coalition forces.
Taliban militants routinely plant IEDs along Highway Number One — the main national highway that crosses the Kandahar Province — and are a constant threat to both the Canadian Forces and other ISAF soldiers in Afghanistan.