Tyrant King
What would be the reaction if the US provided nuclear warheads to Taiwan?
The cry of "HYPOCRISY" would shatter Windows in Beijing, Moscow, Havana, Karachi, Tahran, Pyongyang and New York. As in Washington DC both the house and Senate in bipartisanship demand the President explain this one.
In their graves Kennedy, Nixon and Reagan's remains spontaneously flip over 540*.and the Ghost of George Bush senior face palms.
The floor of the U.N. basically breaks down into a riot as in one short move the U.S. has effectively undone 60 years of anti nuclear proliproliferation.
A new game show is announced on CCTV "Who wants to be a Nuclear armed State?" Where in retaliation the PRC gives away nuclear weapons and missile systems as game prizes before a live studio audience. Hosted by Xi jinping and special guest host Vladimir Putin with there Plucky side kick Kim Jung un....
No not happening. The shift in security of Asia would be disastrous.