Yeah freedom to have no health care is good: It is my god given choice to have a health care I can't afford! LoL. I wonder what those 20 millions who will lose the coverage will say about freedom.
I lost my excellent Hospice Job, and my health insurance because of ObamaCare Brother, then that lying sack of Krap, fined me for NOT having health insurance that I couldn't afford, two years in a row. Now I have health insurance through my employer thankfully!
I spent nearly 100 grand and depleted my retirement account to make sure my little girls had health insurance and dental, so lecture someone else on Govt Mandated taxation, so they could give it to somebody else that preferred NOT to work for a living!
"Affordable Care" is a damnable lie, but then 95% of Americans will get a tax cut,,,, how'ed that lie work out for you?