Lieutenant General
A bit old, but worth posting since it hasn't really been reported at all.
Imagine the international uproar and media coverage had China done something like this.
Make no mistake, I have little doubt that things like this can still happen even in today's world to overseas Chinese.
This is the very real threat all the rabble rousing thinly veiled racism in the western press carries.
It would be as foolish as it would be ineffective to depend on the good nature of people to prevent things like this, when the only proven means of deterrence is a strong China, who will speak out for its people when they are mistreated abroad, and who can make states pay if they fail to stop such despicable behaviour.
And you can bet no Hollywood or Ballywood movie in regards to that atrocity equivalent to American Government internment camp against Japanese-Americans during WWII to commemorate the victims. Sure Chinese film makers could it, but the rabble rousing bias Western press would accuse China of making patriotic films to support the "oppressive" CPC government.