adeptitus said:You can have 2 persons agree to a "historical fact", and have completely opposite views on it. This kind of debate is impossible to resolve, except maybe agreeing to disagree.
In the US, the education/academia tends to lean to the left ("liberal bias"). I attended HS in the US and can only think of 1 teacher who was a "right winger". Most of the others are definately on the left and pro-socialist/government subsidies. As matter of fact I just had an e-mail exchange with my old HS teacher on the importance of "money management education" to HS students. This was her comment:
As far as "personal money management" goes, this is a great idea, as long as you are indeed upper-middle class, 5-6 figure income, well-educated, and have the requisite "personal money" to manage! Unfortunately, this is NOT the description of the majority of our country, urban, suburban and rural citizens. You need to get out of Orange County for a while and see how the real world lives!
@_@ I'm sure most of you would realize teaching money management skills to HS students is to prepare them for the future, and definately not intended as a solution to ADULTS that are already in poverty. Yet she rabidly shift toward the urban/rural poor and calling them the "majority of our country" as the "real world" like a starved seagull diving after a clam on the beach.
Now imagine what kind of "history" education she gives to her students. LoL. You can give 2 teachers the EXACT SAME textbook, and get completely different teachings from them.
Agree, US education tends to leaning toword the left. I guess it really has to do with there are so many ethnic and reglious groups, and the teachers tend not to offense anyone(As matter of facts, I think most teachers in world are leaning to left). There are more right wing teachers in the southern state and rural area, and most of the private schools are probaly leaning toward right.
It is difficult to agree with histrical facts, because each person or group might have differents opinion and agendas. You will be rather lucky if you could get some agreement, the sad part is most of time the results will be extreme from each side.
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