Personaly, I find many paralells in many ways to Japan. It's stability (Neigh. It's existance) relies heavily on an outside military power. In this instance, both are the United States. That, in of it's self, is where the biggest mar for a comparison between the PLA and the IDF begins. While China has a defense-oriented strategy, the PLA does not rely on an outside influence to keep such a strategy fesable. China is not assisted in any way by an outside military power. The second large dent in a comparison is the fact that China is not a small state surrounded by potential enemies, but a large state that is for the most part isolated (asside from Russia and Japan, though both would, again, rely heavily on United States assistance if they were to launch an attack on China IMHO).
The biggest thing though that you have to remember about battles such as the Arab-Isralei war is that, while the Arab commanders were largely incompetent, the Israleis thought of some pretty smart ideas. The Trees of Golan Heights is a great example. In the first formation of Isreal, one must remember that they were simple farmers and settlers, with some smart military commanders working behind the scenes and people who would not give up their resolve. That is rather admirable to me. Though Isreal definately has alot of things to answer for, it certantly has a proud military history that regardless of outside assistance, really does help. The Arab nations were, remember, getting outside assitance as well. Not as extensive as that of Isreal and the U.S but a definate presence none the less.