Re: Reining in biased foreign media reporting
Well if you read what I suggested, you will see I never said anything about judging what is true, I even specifically stated that it is very hard to do so and that the best course would be to use rules to catch the blatant and indefensible rule breakers, of which there have been quite a few.
As an extension, the rules could easily judge the reporting standard based on how the reporter compiled his story and the procedures he went through. Things like basic fact finding and verification procedures that should be standard practice in any respectable news establishment.
To be extra careful, one can easily pick the rules right out of the western media's collective code of conduct and reporting best practices.
If any professional working in any field makes a massive cock-up or even breaks the rules of their own profession, then its only natural that they suffer censor.
This is the daily reality of every other major profession, and most are backed up with full blown legal regulation that carry prison terms for the most serious violations, be it doctors, lawyers, accountants, engineers etc. Why should the media be any different? Especially when they are such an important part of everyone's daily lives.
The key is to not to focus on what was reported, but how that report was pulled together.
Sessions can take place in open court, with the defendants invited to defend their case if they so choose.
If found guilty, the punishment is on the employer, not the individual. It is then up to the employer to deal with the employee as they see fit. As such, there is not reason for the accused not to turn up and defend themselves.