Western Media bias against China

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The Capitalist
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A little while ago I was discussing with some other members about how I was beginning to percieve a distinct media bias against China, with a corresponding more positive approach to reporting news from India. I stated at the time that I believed this was part of a deliberate policy, to support Democratic India as the leader of the developing world, rather than Authoritarian PRC.

Well today I think I have some evidence.

A couple of days ago in North Eastern India, the local populace were demonstrating against a proposed new Steel Mill. The police reacted violently, opened fire with live ammunition and killed at least six protesters (wounding presumably many others). In many respects it is very difficult to differentiate between this incident and the recent Guangdong Village shooting, which occured over a proposed new Power Plant.

The difference of course is that the Chinese Incident was widely broadcast on Terrestial TV, whilst the Indian Incident languishes in the low sub links of the BBC South Asian section of its Website.

Not wishing to make any particular point about India's Internal security situation, but ongoing scecurity problems plus periodic bouts of Inter communal violence do mar Indian Society. Never though do you hear speculation of India's political system collapsing or disintergrating.

I think the difference in reposrting is marked, and I will continue to monitor this unfortunate and unbalanced tendancy.
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VIP Professional
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Re: BBC (Western Media) bias against China

well the situation is more fustraiting here in finland, i mean there is hardly any 'positive' news of any of these 'rogue' states like china, DPRK, Iran, Cuba...the so called 'free wrold' myth would work much better if the stances who controlls the media would least show some sort of effort to conceal the agendas. But when you brainwash kids from elementary school how the media is independent and not controlled anybody and we have freedom of speech and so on...no wonder that people buy all the stuff gets to their head and doesent questionize anything that is getting feeded to them...and if you claim anything controversial theres that big bad USSR goblin stamp to but onto you...
so forgive me some of the fustration but thats just the way it is, there is no unbiased truth, or any such concept of neutral stance to anything...all its filtred by the tellers own ideas of good and bad...and its not helping when all finnish media is practically owned by single person...
the western system needs its bad guy, and when they have burned their fingers with islamist fundamentals they turn back into good old communists and this case towards china, thougth the next 'cold war' has nothing to do whit 'struggle of classes' but pure capitalist power strugle of the economical/powerprojection hegemony that is the key to world domination these days...makes me sick! thats why i have lost most of my intrest to make the world better place anymore...its so hopeless, thats why im considerd to worlds of my own....


Junior Member
Re: BBC (Western Media) bias against China

Possibly Gollvainen your're approaching the problem from too marxist a viewpoint. Individuals make up society, if you are good to individuals then hopefully the individuals will become better people and that will reflect on society as a whole.

to quote a wise man ' Your rulers are from amongst you'

of course perfecting humans is impossible but it's a good ideal :)


Just Hatched
Registered Member
Re: BBC (Western Media) bias against China

there has been recently military exercices lead by indians and americans and there is a nuclear cooperation between them . USA want ally to india to have a support in the region to be able to resist against china ' s influence


Junior Member
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Re: BBC (Western Media) bias against China

BBC bias against China? Well, I am not surprised. BBC has a bias against Pakistan as well. Even many Indians don't like BBC.


VIP Professional
Re: BBC (Western Media) bias against China

How "biased" a BBC news article may appear, is dependent on the reporter who wrote it. You might find BBC news to discriminate against the PRC, but many American right-wing "neocons" find the BBC to be a nest of left-wing liberal bias. These views are backed by only selecting few articles as examples that confirms to your own opinions.

My experience with BBC news has been excellent. Your opinion may vary. Please see the large selection of "local language" editions avail, and compare the Chinese edition:
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I suppose a pro-TI activist would claim that BBC news is biased because "it merges HK and Taiwan to a single news section, suggesting that Taiwan should be treated as a SAR like HK".


VIP Professional
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Re: BBC (Western Media) bias against China

Possibly Gollvainen your're approaching the problem from too marxist a viewpoint. Individuals make up society, if you are good to individuals then hopefully the individuals will become better people and that will reflect on society as a whole.

perhaps i have bit of that bitter, wartorn marxist wiev point but its not the issue so im not going to lead this topic to wrong tracs, but the situation in finland is so bad, and i think its important factor, who owns the media. BBC (to gettin to back to the topic) is state owned am i rigth? And so big organisation as BBC must have its own foreing journals instead of relying solely on news agencyes...
Then the question returns to wheter any goverment, despite how much they are on 'freedom's side' can truly field unbiased journalism? Its differnt thing to be unbiased and independent truely, than to claim to be one. The general public doesent have media-reading skills enough to determ wheter they are beeing fooled or not. I think it should be teached in schools, to descover more sharply whats lies and whats twisting of words and expecially how comon it is on western media todays..

and also this goes to clubroom as it has no military aspects...


New Member
Re: BBC (Western Media) bias against China

It seems that Western Media always focused on the bad news, while China, NK would focused on the good news.

And as the democratic myth, the never ending claim of democratic societies are much better than that of Communists, others, (even Capitalis US is better than Socialis European countries, etc...).

Bad mouthing the other guy and praise your own system would be good way to do it.

When the thirteen colonies were still a part of England, Professor Alexander Tyler wrote about the fall of the Athenian republic over two thousand years previous to that time:

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the public treasure. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most money from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy followed by a dictatorship.
The average age of the world's great civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, from dependency back to bondage.
Alexander Tyler

The germ of destruction of our nation is in the power of the judiciary, an irresponsible body - working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little today and a little tomorrow, and advancing its noiseless step like a thief over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall render powerless the checks of one branch over the other and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated." Thomas Jefferson, 1821

Absolute powers corrupts absolutely. W/out some others to check it.


Senior Member
Re: BBC (Western Media) bias against China

"Democracy" is a flexible concept. The day will come when India is rich enough to threaten America's dominance and then America will brow-beat it too with claims of liberating the oppressed lower-castes.

I think America is grasping at straws when it tries to set India up as a counter-weight to China. Fundamentally, both China and India has had the experience of foreign imperialism and colonialism. India is too proud to play second fiddle to what it must surely see as an English-speaking foreign power.

India will happily take whatever carrots the US offers it like arms sales. And it must surely be happy to have more security vis-a-vis China. But don't expect India to be a toedy.

America's best allies are and will always be those who want a world-wide Anglo-American culture and universal system of values. Even the French don't want an Anglo world and neither does India. Some countries are actually proud of their non-Anglo culture.

Ender Wiggin

Junior Member
Re: BBC (Western Media) bias against China

I tend to read a little of BBC, CNN, People's Daily and I see no difference, though I see a rather neutral view of the US in the People's Daily, sometimes criticle sometimes praising, its confusing sometimes.
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