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Jones Henry said:Wise words my friend! WERY wise! However, the "new roman empire" may turn out to be a trojan one! I think, that before that happens, Europe and the US will be in a lot of trouble mostly because of internal affairs. It is true, that China should be afraid of the US, and try all shorts of nasty tricks to counter it! The US must be made to understand, than a potential war with China would seal it's own doom. There is only one way to defeat the US, wich isn't nessecarily throw war. The way is to simply prove, that you can take a possible war to there own doorstep! Surdenly for instanche Napoleon or Hitler would have ruled the world, if they would have been able to conquer britain, but they failed because of the english canal. The same is with the US. The US won the war with Japan for a wery simple reason;The Japanse didnt even try to invade US! BIG MIKSTAKE JAPAN! Later the US pressured the Soviets to draw there missiles from Cuda, and strated a multi million dollar project to protect them from there ICBM:s
China should try everthing and all the dirty tricks possible to prove, that it can hit America. If i was a chinese general, i would split my effors on for instanche emp and space weapons weakening a possible american missile shield. The other thing i would do, is to invest money on nano manufacturing. I think, that in the end this would do the trick. Think of a device about the size of an aple, but with the power of an atomic bomb! I think, that this really could be possible thanks to nanomanufacturing. Ofcouse if the americans would discover that they really couldnt "win" the armsrace(protect them selves from a possible Chinese retaliation strike)the hole united states would possible collapse just like the soviet union. It ofcoutse would have grave economical and political consequences, but i think the Chinese should take that risk. China should also ask help from India, and make an alliance with her. There should be a "core" China-India alliance, with possible for instanche Russia on the side. I think, that if the Chinese discover nanomanufacturing(being able to make things atom by atom)they will win. The american missile shield will become useless, and the USA will have to give up being a "hyper power" A dangerous game, but China has no choise. I personally think that the United States is so weak it would collapse even without a possible armsrace with China, but China dosent have the luxury of waiting that long! You are right;USA will not wait for another 20-years! The war could begin SOON! China must be ready, and get help from India and Russia. But in the end i think China will win. Not because of her weapons really, but because of Americas own weaknes. The "empire" spends billions and billions guarding eufrat and trying to protect it's airspace from possible Chinese-Russian missiles. But it's south border is wide open to almost anyone who wishes come If the American empire can be defeated i think, that the only alliance that will do it is acually a mexican-chinese one And that is why america will eventually fall anyway, with or without chinese help. The question only is, will america try a war with China before that ?
True. As I've said before, the main reason of the US's dominance today is luck. The US should firstly thank Germany & Japan for wrecking Europe & Asia, and secondly they should thank China & Russia for their crucial roles in the winning WWII.
Maybe they should also thank Zheng He for not conquering America So that the Europeans only had to contend with the native American Indians in their conquest of America.