Tyrant King
Realistically V22 can never equal the power of a AC130 gunship. It's to small. but I think it can be gunshipped.now I read
Roll-On/Roll-Off Capability Key to V-22 Future
Parker also said that weapons trials with the MV-22B have been ongoing, including with guided 2.75-inch rockets, the AGM-176 Griffin missile and two other weapons he was not free to discuss. He said that “everything is an option” to give the MV-22 the capability counter enemy fire in a landing zone, given that the Osprey is too fast for helicopter gunship escort. He said there also the option of turning the Osprey into a “small AC-130-type gunship.”
Start with the established

Osprey rocket pods as an opener. That allows use of APKWS, Hellfires or Griffin missiles.

Add a the Guardian with a 12.7mm Gau 19
right now these two alone would be a infantry killer add in a 30mm bushmaster ramp mounted

and maybe a crew served weapon like a MK 47 mod 0 door mounted for more anti infantry and light vehicle.