Senior Member
Arsenal ship is not very survivable operating by itself. The idea of DDG 1000 is to free up supports.
Plus for a lot of fire support role using missile is overkill.
Arsenal ship is not suppose operate by itself. It is basically a large magazine carrying large number of missiles to be guided by other platforms. On the other hand, it was designed to take hits, double hull, designed to take hits from heavy weight torpedo and missiles. With the firepower of 500 VLS tubes, and manned by a crew of 50, it can be forward deployed for extended periods with multiple crews in rotation, the Arsenal Ship would've reduced the necessary number of aircraft carriers. Now, with the USN carriers fleet slatted to be cut to 8, Zumwalt is not up to the task of picking up the slack. It is very ironic really, Admiral Zumwalt was very against unnecessary gold plating and advocated affordable versatile ships such as the Perry Class, as was his protege Admiral Boorda, who was the chief backer of the Arsenal ship.