Dont forget the laws passed in 2004 in china. Their aim is to destroy all military facilities and capture Taiwan as a usable island not as a destroyed nuclear wreck. My theory involves only Taiwan taking out the military invasion force. China of course would retaliate, but they would strike with precision nuclear bombs over military installations. If China would strike a large populated civilian area, it would provoke large International attention and the destroy the "nice" image that China has been trying to make over the past 50 years. Taiwan is a strategically important island in China's main strategy of securing its borders and sealanes. And 23 million people dont all live in military bases. And please dont use sarcasm.
u think china will be like "gentle don't hurt taiwan" after their forces have been nuked? you think taiwanese military can do minimal damage to own forces, or become better off, or do better after launching a nuke?
for taiwanese to develop a nuke means declaring independent right off the bat. china won't allow, and leaders of taiwan, china, US, japan, all are smart enough not to bring in the nukes into taiwan strait theater
taiwan launching a nuke will immediately lose support from the US, the UN, all major powers as using excessive force
so taiwan facing entire PLA rather than just task force(which is more likely after the bomb goes off) with all hopes of foreign assistance crossed off..good luck
yea you can say there's no excessive force in combat, but for taiwan to launch one is like cutting its own pulse. even for US with landmass several times of taiwan, mentioned never to launch warheads over their own soil. the fears of contamination last for a long time
chernobyl's contamination spread across europe
and now you're telling taiwan, size several times smaller than china and US, to use it? you mention the contamination will kill. oh yea maybe you havent visited east asia before, but in a few months, the typhoons will hit hk and taiwan strait. it's the typhoon season. the wind, air current will send radiation over the area.
taiwan takes a long time to achieve icbm capability, and the program is so expensive it's not even worthwhile
so if launched, taiwan strait sounds viable. reaching beijing, shanghai is already kinda far for what taiwan is capable within 5-15 years
you're the only one who think it's useful, sadly