Soldiers from 56th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, Multi-National Division-Baghdad, conduct a joint patrol with Soldiers from the Iraqi army in the Nassir factory on May 24.
(Photo by Capt. Maggie White : 56th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 28th Infantry Division)
Soldiers from Company B, 1st Battalion, 112th Infantry Regiment, 56th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, provide over watch from a cistern at the Nassir factory complex north of Camp Taji on May 24.
(Photo by Capt. Maggie White : 56th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 28th Infantry Division)
Staff Sgt. Paul Hanson (left) and Spec. Adam Ortiz, both of Erie, Pa, prepare to enter a building at the Nassir factory complex north of Camp Taji on May 24. Both Soldiers are from Company B, 1st Battalion, 112th Infantry Regiment, 56th Stryker Brigade Combat Team.
(Photo by Capt. Maggie White : 56th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 28th Infantry Division)
A pre-ranger student hits the water during the Combat Water Survival Assessment Phase of the Pre-Ranger Course, May 19. The Soldiers walked off the high dive while wearing ACUs, load carrying equipment and carrying a weapon. They then had to swim the length of the pool.
(Photo by Sgt. Giancarlo Casem : 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment)
Pre-Ranger students recite the Ranger Creed as they tread water during the Combat Water Survival Assessment portion of the Pre-Ranger Course, May 18.
(Photo by Sgt. Giancarlo Casem : 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment)
Pre-Ranger students conduct chin-ups as part of the Ranger Physical Fitness Test during the Pre-Ranger Course, May 18.
(Photo by Sgt. Giancarlo Casem : 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment)
Spc. Daniel Worthington, a Pre-Ranger student, high-crawls through the dirt during the obstacle course portion of the Pre-Ranger Course, May 18.
(Photo by Sgt. Giancarlo Casem : 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment)
Sgt. Ruben Pena, A Troop, 1st Squadron, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, a Pre-Ranger student, navigates his way through the obstacle course during the Pre-Ranger Course, May 18.
(Photo by Sgt. Giancarlo Casem : 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment)
Spc. Patrick Chittock, Headquarters and Headquarters Troop, 2nd Squadron, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment (left) and Sgt. Salvador Gutierrez, F Trp. 2nd Sqdn., 11th ACR, navigate through the obstacle course during the Pre-Ranger Course, May 18.
(Photo by Sgt. Giancarlo Casem : 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment)
A Pre-Ranger student is silhouetted against the sun as he carefully balances his way across a log on the obstacle course portion of the Pre-Ranger Course, May 18.
(Photo by Sgt. Giancarlo Casem : 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment)
Pre-Ranger students start the 5-mile run portion of the Ranger Physical Fitness Test during the Pre-Ranger Course, May 18. The Soldiers had to score 70 points or better in the push-up and sit-up events on the 17-21 year-old scale. After the run, the Soldiers then had to complete six chin-ups.
(Photo by Sgt. Giancarlo Casem : 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment)