I don't have time to look up the actual figures but for the USN enlisted personnel 65% are white and about 35% are non.white. With African -Americans making up 20%(?) of the total enlisted force. My numbers are off the top of my head and are at least two years old.
Makes no difference to me what color those that are serving are. None what so ever. A shipmate is a shipmate no matter the color or gender...and it should make no difference to anyone one reading this forum.. but alas....I KNOW race still matters to so many people.
I am probably in the minority, and I agree that color shouldn't matter. I do not however feel that should apply to gender, and the Chickification of the USAF has NO DOUBT in my mind, harmed the ability of the USAF to perform its Combat Mission. I have seven daughters, if one of them had an interest and was qualified and capable, I would fully support their decision to enter the military,,,,,,,, two of them "play" with guns, both of their husbands are in the US Army, one active, and one reserve, neither of them has the psyche to be a combat troop, heck I doubt I have the psyche to be a combat troop. My point is that with-out a natural aptitude for certain roles, you are a danger to yourself and others, if you happen to be there because of some quota, that is "INSANE".....
Lets take just one such role, the role of combat aircraft commander, if you are flying a C-130, you have to be able to not only fly the aircraft, but to do it naturally, while being situationally aware of not only terrain, and aircraft performance, but of ground fire, surface to air missles, and enemy fighter aircraft...... some women are actually very good at this, and I have no problem with them flying the airplane as well as the additional responsibilities that every officer has......to enable your aircraft and crew to survive, you "must" be able to improvise and operate the aircraft in very unconventional configurations and to fly a mission "profile" that may require a good bit of thinking and even horsing the airplane around, it is hard physical work, and requires great mental and physical stamina..... you have to be able to "break" the rules, and think outside the box, many women do have problems with that, I'm not talking about being reckless or crazy, I'm talking about the times when "standard operating procedures" will guarantee mission failure and loss of life, you must understand your aircraft, as well as its design and performance, and where you have a margin and how wide that margin is......
If we were to then move our lady aircraft commander into the F-22, then the game becomes exponentially more difficult, as you not only have to fly, but also "fight" the aircraft. MOST MEN are NOT capable of flying this aircraft to its limits, much less fight it to its limits, but because it is a "peachy" assignment, and on the road to upward mobility, I "know" that there are people flying that aircraft today, who are "marginal" to say the least. Political correctness, quotas, "recruitment poster" mentality will not only hurt combat readiness, but will endanger the individual airman and their fellow airman, and others in "proximity", when certain people pick up a gun, I move away, far away, and out of the line of fire, the same applies for aircraft, probably tanks and other vehicles etc. In real life the F-22 pilot must of necessity be something of a "superman", very smart, a great pilot, a good shot and capable of intuitive airmanship, flying the airplane is something like "chewing gum" to this character, then he has to be in "outstanding" physical condition, this airplane will hurt you if you are NOT in shape to fly it, or even if you are. Very few men are able to meet the challenges of this aircraft, and when it comes to women, very few are physically "strong enough" to operate it near its limits....
this is just one job, but there are others that fall into the same category, we MUST NOT allow political correctness to "hamstring" our military, it is for certain the Chinese, nor the Russians will allow that, and it is the height of ignorance to pretend that any "quarter" will be given by our adversaries.... avoiding war is often about perceptions, if your potential adversaries perceive that you are weak, that greatly increases the chances that they will engage you, that's why Ronald Reagan's peace through strength continues to be the "winning" strategy. The bottom line is that whether in peace or God forbid, in war, you must be able to win, and win decisively and quickly.....period