The number was $300 million two weeks ago, and then the admin came out and said it was going to actually be $100 million. Sorry, I simply do not believe them...sort of like that unknown film that no one had ever seen before the admin announced that it was the cause of Benghazi attack last year. And then going out and telling that to the world and that it was not an organized terror attack. They have no credibility left.I understood the price was $100 million and he took a few planeloads full of businessmen with him, hardly a vacation, even if wife and daughters came too.
But I wonder what Xi's trip cost. And he too came to do business.
Fact is, they spend money like it is going out of style on the trips, programs, and efforts they $30 million in bonuses to the IRS employees, but then they use the military like a political football.
And the African trip business? Please, Obama is in constant campaign mode, which means lavish dinners and shoulder time with the people who donate money to him. That is what those people with him are really there for.
Anyhow...I'll end my rant. I have family and close friends suffering in the military right now...and their hardships are being handed out with a will to try and influence the politicians who do not agree with Obama's agenda to come to the table and give in. As I said...sad times.
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