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I think they end up sticking with the original plan, and likely get a budget boost to accommodate the procurement of that aircraft. I don't see how they get away with not building a manned air-superiority fighter. I think maybe the generation after will be when you have a "quarterback" manned aircraft that controls groups of unmanned loyal wingman type aircraft.


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I think they end up sticking with the original plan, and likely get a budget boost to accommodate the procurement of that aircraft. I don't see how they get away with not building a manned air-superiority fighter. I think maybe the generation after will be when you have a "quarterback" manned aircraft that controls groups of unmanned loyal wingman type aircraft.
I don't see Trump saying No to an awesome fighter. They could even call it after him,

F-40 "The Donald"


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I don't see Trump saying No to an awesome fighter. They could even call it after him,

F-40 "The Donald"

I think more appropriate would either be F-45 or F-47.

F-45 MAAGA (Make American Air Force Great AGAIN). Will have four engines (one more than CHAD) and be absolutely Yuge.

May I humbly propose the F/A-47 Trump Card should the F/A-XX program stay independent of the NGAD program or otherwise remain intact under the new Trump administration?


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