US Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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Joint Armenian-American military exercises “Eagle Partner 2024” have started in Armenia. In the footage, US Ambassador Christina Quinn and Armenian Defense Minister Suren Papikyan accept the parade. The Armenian-American maneuvers Eagle Partner 2024 involve practicing an operation to stabilize relations between certain conflicting parties. The main goals of the exercises are to increase the level of interoperability, interaction and combat readiness of Armenian units, exchange of best practices in the field of management and tactical interaction. As well as preparation for participation in international peacekeeping missions. In his speech, Suren Papikyan highly praised the work of the US Army servicemen in Europe and Africa, and the Kansas National Guard, which has been a partner of Armenia for more than two decades.



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US Prepares Jamming Devices Targeting Russia, China Satellites
Pentagon says the devices will protect forces being threatened
Goal is to field 24 of the new terminals by end of this year
The Bloomberg agency published an article stating that the US Space Force will deploy ground-based electronic jamming systems to combat Chinese and Russian satellites, in the event of a potential conflict.

The first 11 pieces of equipment of this type will already be operational in a few months, and 13 more are expected by the end of the year, increasing operations capabilities in a multi-domain environment.


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A new mechanism capable of reloading the U.S. Navy’s vertical launching system (VLS) cells while underway at sea completed its first ground-based test at Naval Surface Warfare Center Port Hueneme Division last week.

While the service
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on Ticonderoga-class cruisers and early Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, these cranes were deemed impractical and dangerous due to relative motion issues.

Through TRAM, the Navy looks to overcome these issues. Rich Hadley, Director of the NSWC Port Hueneme Underway Replenishment Division, stated in a press release of the test that “by solving key relative motion challenges, TRAM is a capability enabling reloading operations while underway in significant sea states, TRAM will greatly expand the fleet’s logistical flexibility, resilience, as well as volume and tempo of long-range fires.”

Seems like the US Navy might be about to have the ability to reload while at sea. According to this article, small cranes used to exist for this purpose but were deemed dangerous at the time. Now it looks like modern technology may be able to overcome the initial problems faced 30+ years ago.


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From the cited Naval News article
statements from SECNAV and images of the ground-based testing facility at NSWC Port Hueneme indicate that the system involves the transfer of missiles from a supply vessel to the warship
What supply ship is configured for both transport and then underway replenishment of these missiles? Whose program pays for these "new mechanisms" -- PMS Aegis, supply ship or both. SCN (Shipbuilding and Conversion, Navy) is not a short-term, quick-reaction, Congressional hands-off PPBS account. The fine folks at NSWC PHD will have fun with land-based experiments but I don't see their equipment getting wet for many years.


Tyrant King
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USAF had to bring in Assad regime enhanced negotiation specialist to prevent Boeing from raping them again on the E-7.
Boeing has been taking it up the brown eye on military contracts for the last few years actually. There revenue is 2 billion in the red due in part by the delayed VC25Bs and KC46s both on fixed price contracts that puts the onus on Boeing. The company walked out of SOAC negotiations giving the Doomsday plane deal to rival Sierra Nevada Corporation because they didn’t want to be caught in the same scenario again.