US Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Tyrant King
MIRV was banned as part of the START II, signed by Gorbachev and Bush sr in 93.
however it was unpopular in both sides and never fully ratified. So in 02 Bush jr. And Putin signed SORT which did get ratified SORT however didn’t contain any mention of MIRV. After the U.S. withdrew from the ABM a month after signing SORT Putin announced that he no longer views the START II as a valid treaty. The U.S. unilaterally disarmed its Peacekeepers and already started reconfiguring the Minuteman 3 missile upper stage to the Single Reentry Vehicle configurations in the early 00s. Retirement of the last MIRV upper stage was done in 2014.
New START had come into effect and counted active warheads with limits on launch platforms.

MIRV continued on American Trident series however. As a general rule MIRV on silo based missiles is kinda iffy. As the Russians know exactly where the Missiles are and the U.S. knows exactly where the Russian missile silos are.
Since the U.S. doesn’t use a TEL based missile system. It’s kinda a sitting target. Where Submarines are mobile. And US Subs don’t operate in bastion seas. So it’s more scary and effective to a degree.
However all indications are that Both sides remain in compliance with New Start Limits as of May 2024 which is about 1710 on Russia and 1770 on the U.S.
The US Minuteman III Re-MIRV would be 3 warheads or decoys.


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Does anyone know why the faces of the radar's discolour like this?



You can on both of these Flight II Burkes that the radar face has a similar discolouring. These photos were taken days apart and recently by CJR1321 on Twitter. The ships look to be otherwise very welly maintained so its weird that the face of the radar discolours in such a way. In a way, it reminds me of how the plastic on certain Super Nintendo models would discolour if exposed to direct sunlight for too long lol.


Also, the Zumwalt class is without a doubt the most advanced warship ever constructed!

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Does anyone know why the faces of the radar's discolour like this?
As Sheogorath pointed out, they are made from a plastic material. The radio waves emitted and received by the radar have to pass through unobstructed. Painting over the cover will have a negative effect on the effectiveness of the radar. Many combat aircraft have "do not paint" markings around the nose-cone and other dielectric panels for the same reason.

The Zumwalt looks better because it is a newer ship. Eventually, if not replaced, the radars will look the same as the older ships.


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Ships assigned to the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower‘s carrier strike group (IKECSG) fired 155
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and 135
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in operations against Iranian-backed Houthi militants based in Yemen during a recently concluded nine-month deployment.
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launched another 60 air-to-air missiles and 420 air-to-surface munitions in the course of their operations in and around the Red Sea.


I don't know what else to say. That is a serious amount of weaponry expended even if over nine months!


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I don't know what else to say. That is a serious amount of weaponry expended even if over nine months!

In the Gulf War, U.S. forces surrendered Saddam Hussein's army, the most powerful in the Middle East, within a month and a half of the start of U.S. operations. Today, they can't even stop the Houthis from interfering.