Can you please provide the source of this threat. If it's the one i'm thinking of then - and i'll add here that i don't speak or understand farsi but from people i know who do told me- the actual meaning of the words said were " Iran would like to see the world rid of Zionism. " I also believe that the western media in general know this and some like the BBC continue to broadcast the same line as you. Maybe you can shed some light on the reasons for that.Or maybe i missed the threat you refer to.
The New York Times quoted it that way (
), as did a number of other fairly prestiges news organizations at the tim.
To counter that, someone asked Muhammed Sahimi, a professor of Chemical Engineering at Southern Cal, who came from Iran and speaks fluent Persian what his tranlation was. He indicated that Ahmadinejad actually said:
"The regime occupying Jerusalem, must vanish from the page of time."
Now, I do not know the professors leanings. But even this statement, made by the leader of a nation that actively encourages and trains people to martyr themselves for Allah and blow themselves up killing as many infidels as possible, whose same nation is now seeking to acquite nuclear weapons, is not a quote to be taken lightly.
He is actively encouraging and training proxy war against Israel (according to him the little Satan) and the US (according to him the great Satan) using suicide bombers whenever and wherever he can to cause the most destruction, death and terror.
I do not want this individual or the military he commands, who is doing this now with the tools he has, to acquire a nuclear weapon.
IMHO, there is no doubt that he is actively pursuing a course to wage war on and hurt Israel and the US...irregardless of the exact translation...given the fundamental and extreme teachings of his religious theocracy, to hope he will not use larger weapons to accomplish the same (either be supplying them to proxy terror groups, or with his own military) is not something I am willing to bet on.