I'd bet this is an 80% chance Lockheed will get the manned portion of the NGAD contract. NG was probably the one company who could have contested the procurement with Lockmart. IMAAO, Boeing's current project management and engineering systems are such a shbtshow there's almost no way they will get the contract: Stingray, Starliner, SLS, their 7*7 line, T-7, etc. have been disasters. They will probably still get a prototype contract if there is a fly-off.
It will be interesting to see if NorthGrum drops from the FA-XX as well. Their announcement appears to be USAF related only. Interestingly, there is a big bucket of money in the USN budget for prototyping around since 2005 called Link Plumeria. it has been suggested the FA-XX/USN NGAD has been prototyping for a while under that budget line item: its a cover for many SAP from what I understand. My personal opinion is there has probably been some done FA-XX work done there, but this is likely to have been a catchall for some time and the airdales (USN fighter jocks) have only recently, if at all, been hiding within it. After all, the analysis of alternatives was done far, far behind the USAF's NGAD: years behind.