I think generally Japan has both the technological capability and capacity to advance its interest. IMO, the bigger hurdle is in the political landscape where there are constraining forces at work. I believe Japan needs to ramp up its defense spending as a percentage of GDP and with that it can then pursue some of the high value programs like the 6th gen. Until we see serious funding allocated to the program, it would matter little if Japan is technologically capable or not. 6th gen will be expensive - not just the R & D but cost per plane.
I think generally Japan has both the technological capability and capacity to advance its interest. IMO, the bigger hurdle is in the political landscape where there are constraining forces at work. I believe Japan needs to ramp up its defense spending as a percentage of GDP and with that it can then pursue some of the high value programs like the 6th gen. Until we see serious funding allocated to the program, it would matter little if Japan is technologically capable or not. 6th gen will be expensive - not just the R & D but cost per plane.