Unrest in Tibet!!

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Senior Member
I still do not understand why (aside from more obvious reasons having to do with the structure of China's government and realpolitik) it would be so dangerous for China to allow Tibetans to have a measure of self government and to preserve their culture within the PRC. Can anyone offer a reason why that is so dangerous? I certainly haven't seen one here.

Ah ... but you see, you're assuming it's true that China is not already allowing Tibetans to have 'a measure of self government' and not allowed to preserve their culture.
I'm sure the Chinese will say otherwise, they call it an autonomous region after all.
I'm not saying whose version is right or wrong because I've never been there to see for myself, just pointing out you made assumptions without providing proofs. And I'm afraid most will want stronger proofs than that the Free Tibet Movement says so etc.

Autumn Child

Junior Member
Never knew you're from Indonesia, Autumn Child. Actually, like the Indonesian uprising in the 60s, the one in Tibet in I think the late 50s was said to be heavily influenced by CIA as part of the anti-Communist campaigns. Many reports of CIA pulling the strings of Dalai Lama. Don't know abt now, but in the anti-Communist hysteria of the 50s & 60s, I'd be more surprised if it's not true.

It is not just the 50s and 60s. I was born way there way after that time period. The cultural and ethnic genocide continues through the 90's. The daily brutality is unbelievable. Just dig up available info and pictures about the riot in 98, and that is only what is reported. I have over 100 direct cousins living in Indonesia at that moment and they give me an eyewitness account that made me hate the country that I was born in. The brutality against the chinese is rampant in south east asia and many other parts of the world that i don't even know. That is the time when the world abandoned us, like orphans with no place to call home, marginalized, murdered in their birth country.

Perhaps I ramble too much...afterall I am going off topic now. No one will care about chinese anyways (too poor and helpless in the past, feared today as rising villains)...as long as the western supremacy survived and major media and pop culture controlled by them. No one will stand up for the chinese except for themselves. I used to complain much more in the past but I feel that this is just the way it is now. Human right is absolute garbage compared to Power. Power will buy friends, allies and justice. Once again sorry for the off topic.

Autumn Child

Junior Member
Calm down AssassinsMace, I've done research on Indonesia. The uprising there in the 60s resulted in up to half a million deaths depending on who you believe. From studies by overseas Chinese in South East Asia & I've even seen an archive of an old Indon intelligence report, Chinese there mainly suffered looting of their businesses. Far fewer deaths compared to the natives. The cultural curbs were very real though. It was Western sources which tended to exaggerate the uprising as being anti-Chinese to move Indonesia from the hold of Communist powers in those days.

Its not just cultural curb, its cultural genocide. The roprted figure is definitely not accurate, not even the indonesian government knows it, how can other country knows? The killing peaks during the communist hysteria but it continues at smaller scale much later on in isolated places throughout indonesia.


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Ok after some serious rethinking, this thread just cannot go on. Altough this topic gathers interest and the issue is propably the most spoken one about china at the moment, it causes too much unpleaseant side-effects and unwanted fractions of internet discussions. Most notably it raises too much emotions and when you are are deeply touched by something you cannot function rationaly. Thus to avoid any further misconducts, the thread is closed.


As the person that started this thread I apologize for introducing a thread that generated such ill feelings. It won't happen again. Henceforth POLITICS of any type will not be a subject in our forum. We shall adhere to our own forums rules.

bd popeye super moderator
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