Unmanned Combat Ground Vehicle


UGVs at a recent exercise.



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This changes my opinion on robot dogs.
I did not expect them to be able to take such abuse. It seems suitable to be dropped from moving vehicles and air dropped.

In theory it should also be able to go faster.

There’s no escape from these (used in places where flying drones can’t go), especially if they can put a directional microphone to detect where gun shots are coming from and team them up with networked aerial drones.

If you shoot at it, you give away your location - you are dead.

If you don’t shoot at it, it either shoots you, blows you up (if they make a kamikaze option), or detects your location - you are dead.

Jamming is obviously an option, but I wonder if they could have a tethered option, where it’s physically connected to the controller with a fine, but flexible and durable wire.