Ukrainian War Developments

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I was ATGM trained in Milan and then converted to Israeli Spike.

The way I see, those convoys were easily taken out of action. Ukraine got the timely intelligent on Russian movements and Russia didnt provide adequate air cover in the form of heli gunships.

Russia could've fared a lot better had they guaranteed protection in the form of Pantsir or Tunguska systems. Active Protection Systems might've helped too.


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In the short term all Chinese companies and even the Chinese Govt will comply with US sanctions but it will be only for a brief period. China always complies initially and then arranges for loopholes and alternative mechanisms so as to resume trade & investment.

The same happened with Iran oil sanctions. The imports dropped to zero for few months until China devised new ways of importing oil and has since then never stopped infact has only increased the purchases. Same with Venezuela.

Russia just has to survive the economic onslaught for few months. Everything will be stable afterwards. Sanctions lose effectiveness with time.


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What the west also has to realize is that the Russians would rather sell their souls or country to China and give them all their resources before giving anything to the west if they were to disappear as a country, so if we were to pretend that Russia no longer exists, they would rather have the Chinese have all the access to those resources including Ukraine, They will also have access to technology like Avangard, scramjets, S-550, S-500s A-235 and photonic radar technology, nuclear reactor powered ion thrusters among necessary weapons they can copy research of and further improve as well. But of course, the west is run by intellectuals like this
nothing can ever go wrong.
In the historical context of east/west europe, "
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I'm sure the sentiment of the byzantines at being betrayed by latin 4th Crusaders is no different to that of modern Russians at the betrayal of the NATO expansion and the popular support for Putin.


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I agree this is China's best chance to drive a real hard bargain for tech transfer of systems like Avangard, scramjets, S-550, S-500s A-235 etc etc... Its not everyday an oppurtunity like this presents itself

In the Post Peak Energy world, national security aka holding on to what you got, is more important than raw GDP or so-called "growth"...


Update from the negotiation:
Ukrainian delegation demanded Russia withdraw military forces before further negotiations.
Russian delegation answered that Russian forces and DPR forces have surrounded Mariupol and have began fire preparations before assault.

Sounds very much in line with my childhood experience of negotiating with my parents not to beat my a$$ after getting poor grades in school.

Jingle Bells

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Grossly off topic! This thread is about the Russian war in Ukraine. Not about the Sino-Japanese war in WWII!

P.S. How dare you belittle the Chinese who have suffered at the hands of Imperial Japan in WWII! You have truly revealed yourself!
Well, he is using that hurt my feelings. And to be honest, my feelings are really hurt.
I certainly could punch back at him with more hurtful words, but what's the point? When people use the woe and tragedy of your past (the hurtful past of your culture, your nation and your identity) to create pain in you. What can you do?
You can retaliate 10 fold, and it still won't change the past.

This is simply a reality of life. Any nation/people/ethnicity that had existed for long enough, will eventually have dark and sorrowful history they have not the heart to revisit. If he think his race/ethnicity/nation will already remain top of food chain, always be the perpetrators of harm and never victims, no amount of history will change his mind.

Heck, even the pharisees took on the Sin of killing Christ upon their own descendants with scorn, who am I to stop him?


Its already mounting. The big problem would be if Chinese people died in Ukraine. China should try to evacuate them quickly. Things are getting ugly with all that shelling in cities

If Chinese citizens lose their lives by way of Russian munitions, China should significantly and imminently tone down its support for Russia during the conflict. Heck, even lodge a complaint to the Russian government.
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