Ukrainian War Developments

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Registered Member
Not anymore thanks to Russia.
The big fat price was Europe. Russia is the consolation-prize geopolitically so better take it.
Discretely ;)
No, "thanks" to USA.

Without USA, China and Europe would have had CAI ratified long time ago.
Without USA, Germany would not have been "oblidged" to send its navy in SCS.
Without USA, Ukraine would not have stolen China's money.
Without USA, Huiwei would not have been banned in most of EU, overtly or covertly.
and so on and so on.

Chinese have good memories.


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Heard the German economy has most of its energy from Russian gas and oil, although it is trying to go green I don't think it was a coincidence that there was some problem with the satellites regarding the wind turbine power problems since Russia has an interesting amount of different EW systems along with some they can't disclose to the public in the Russia defense net page


Registered Member
Something I noticed, even a small city like Kharkiv has metro system, about 40km
This is about the same as the non light-rail portion of the LA subway system.
US and Canadian cities always say "can't build subways, too expensive".
I guess this is why USSR doesn't exist anymore

I thought Kharkiv had 2 million people, which is roughly the size of Toronto, and the TTC has their subway.

However, there is no comparison on how those subway stations look.

Soviet subway stations look like Cathedrals.

Toronto subway stations look like D block in Alcatraz.



Registered Member
What you're doing here is the classic "bean counting" the U.S. Military did in the Vietnam War. The military officers pressed their junior officers to produce the numbers of casualties inflicted against the enemy to be used and gauged in how well the military campaign was doing. The concept itself was the by product of Robert McNamara (whiz kid of Ford) business like approach to the military.

The problem with that idiotic concept was it gave the American public the false sense of confidence that since their American military machine was producing supposed lop sided tactical battle engagements (based on the Pentagon released evidence) then the war must have been going well. But we all know that wasn't the case.

We need to really look at this unfortunate and undesirable conflict from a strategic lens so that a proper assessment can be made as to whether Russian political-military objectives are being met or not. And based on the progress on the Russian side, it appears that they are achieving their goal which is to encircle Kyiv.


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If Japan goes nuclear, South Korea won't be far behind, then probably Australia. Iran will ride the wave of trend, Saudis will have to counter with nukes of their own, which will worry Turkey and push them to developing theirs. Germans will realise that they need nukes to stay relevant too, and a myriad moderate countries stuck between/close to nuclear powers will have to start their programs... That's why nobody's rocked the NPT boat so far. If the US wants to stay relevant and have the option of "a splendid little war" ever again, they'll have to wag their finger at Japan now.
Germany already has nukes, so do Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy and Turkey, via nuclear sharing with the US/NATO, which is the whole point with Ukraine wanting joining NATO and Zelenskyy's willingness to host nukes in the country.
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