Ukrainian War Developments

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Lieutenant General
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Russian air forces problem is lack of targeting pods and PGM's what hinders their ability to attack Ukrainian targets in all weathers conditions, at will when they see enemy units, it also forces them to get much closer at their enemies making fighters vulnerable against manpads.
The Russians are developing targeting pods for PAK-FA.

Western air forces have perfected that kinda bombing but it seems China is following Russian tactics as we rarely see PLAAF flying with targeting pods. Now we see how ineffective Russian tactics are.
Are they? Su-34 has built-in ground attack sensor suite in ventral position.

I'm no NATO fan but you can't claim that Russia is doind good job... they are relying on numbers.
Do you really defend those actions when Russians are driving around and abandoning their equipment when they run out gas?
It is all done in the name of speed. They did the same back in WW2. The engineering detachments only came around and collected broken vehicles when the operation was over basically.

Also, Russia has a small war chest that’s going to get depleted the longer the war is. That’s why reports were talking about Putin’s dissatisfaction with the speed of the offensives, He wanted Kiev and other major cities to fall in 72 hours, which didn’t happen. He’s left with no other choice but to shell and level the cities.
If that was true why did he stop his troops yesterday night?


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This, the nuclear weapon threat is there to tell Poland to not try anything while this happens.
To be honest I was expecting the Brest attack to start last night, but I guess the negotiations might have delayed it.
I think the nuclear threat is a more general threat to NATO, just to tell them to stop thinking about intervening.
Or maybe if Poland is sending a ground force into Belarus/Ukraine, Russia will use tactical nuclear weapons.


Junior Member
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I think we're seeing a preview of the reaction that would happen if China decides to move in on Taiwan.
Air space closure, embargo in trade, sports, entertainment, sanctions, asset freeze.

Take heed China.

But only temporarily. Once the traitors in Taiwan are hang, the West has no choice but to lift sanctions.

Jingle Bells

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No need. SSNs will clear the path.
You are proposing throwing expensive and precious US SSN at cheap and numerous Chinese ASW platforms just off Chinese shores.....

Can SSN stop shore based long range anti-ship missiles? Especially those cheap ones that are design specifically for large, slow cargo ships without adequate air defense capabilities.

Dude, have you no idea of what geostrategy, logistics and the geographical aspects of warfare are, do you?

Any blockade on Taiwan would be a blatant strategy of "围点打援". The BIGGEST and most important strategic advantage the US military has over Chinese military is the reach of the US military. Therefore, strategically, the US use of force would be most efficient, if they can manage to make China "overstretch" her reach, into a territory where the US has overwhelming logistical and geostrategic advantage.

Trying to do "airlift Berlin style" is nothing but a typical American macho-man egotistical display of narcissism, born out of deep rooted penis-envy insecurity. The American does this often, not because the US people is not a great people. But because they have been constantly bombarded and brainwashing by Hollywood "Chad (personal-heroism)" propaganda disguised as entertainments since their birth.

Take the most pragmatic and rational Chinese, force him to watch "Team America" 10000 times, guess what he will do? He will fantasize about himself being Tony Stark saying "I've successfully privatized world peace. What more do you want?" in the mirror in his undies, before taking a shower and go to bed.

reservior dogs

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I think Russian conditions will be neutrality, written obligation not to join NATO, recognition of independence for Donbas, and recognition of Russian control over Crimea.
There will be no such thing. Russia's aim is to take the entire country and turn it into Belarus. They will change the commanders to ones that are pro-Russian. The rest don't really matter because the military will ensure that the right politicians get elected etc.
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