Ukrainian War Developments

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Wishful thinking at best, if what happened to Russia proven anything, then it is certainly proven nothing is off the table when the West decided to gang up against you.

Both Republicans and Democrats want China dead. If that isn't scary enough, then what worst can it gets for China. Big corporations and Wall St tried to convince Biden not to impose SWIFT on Russia, did Biden listen. These billionaires don't speak in one voice and have different interests. They can't be relied upon when push comes to shove.
All this shows to me is that the greater the level of hate, the greater the level of irrational behavior and the likelihood that real mistakes will be made. Both republicans and democrats are becoming one and the same and without the voices of reason (big corp and the fed) being able to reign in the government, their is a real risk that the bottom line will fall out from under them. Did Europe realize that if they cut Russia off from swift or if they sanction them enough that maybe Russia will cut the gas to Europe completely because they do have other more reliable customers in Asia who don’t complain about these so called rights that they spit on all the time in the last 2 decades of helping the USA in the Middle East. Sure they get one small win for the woke crowd but is it worth starving to death or freezing to death from the lack of food/gas that is critical to Europe right now. Sure they might try to tap the Middle East but really would the Arabs trade their resources for cheap when resources scarcity for Europe will be a thing. In that situation that will forced use the Middle East alone, a region that can easily be disrupted by terrorist activity as shown in Saudi Arabia and the drones to the oil plant incident. Hence Europe has no choice but to rely on the USA for everything at the very end but does the USA have the resources or the manufacturing base or the low cost production to enable such a thing, especially with the supply chain problems and infrastructure breaking down to worry about and Biden having no real plan to fix or implement such a plan except pinning the blame on others. All these western actions are pretty much the standard sort of deal that has been used in the past and really, none of those action have dampened these nations resolve not to be a slave of the USA.
the governments of the UK and the USA can do whatever it wants but in the event that these massive corporations decide to close shop due to lack of profits and the government not even caring about their concerns at all, they will leave the government to ruin themselves with all of there money as none of these billionaires are loyal to America. And the fed will eventually bring down the stock mark eventually when the gig is up since the government is showing themselves to be a bad player in regards simply having no regards for the economic health of the nation and also having very little care about the consequences. The USA has operated on a tangent that essentially says my way or the high way but really if they cannot handle Afghanistan or even Ukraine, what hope do they have to handle China without losing everything they have ever built. The USA is rapidly running out of options because if they are truly seriously on saving Ukraine, they have failed badly to prepare for such a scenario otherwise they would’ve had troops on the ground and real weapons ready to protect the nation. Sanctions only go so far and even that is cut down enough for Putin to not use the nuclear option and simply get out of swift and only except rubes for the oil instead of US dollars or Euros. This situation shows how little courage they really have.


Senior Member
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Why do you think there "ought to be none [security threat by Russia]" when Putin repeatedly laments the collapse of Soviet Union as the "the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century"? I don't see any basis where it can credibly asserted that Russia "ought not be" a security concern when it's leader openly waxes about the loss of Soviet territories. I think given the fresh memories of Soviet domination, Putin the Great's desire for glory, it is not unreasonable to seek nuclear weapons or defensive alliances. Some members dismiss Ukraine as merely a 'US puppet' incapable of independent thought, but I think the fresh memories of Soviet domination and Putin's musing about former glory can easily justify joining defensive alliances. Afterall, Russia's weakness is only temporary, not permanent.
So you think if Ukraine had declared herself neutral and pledged never to join NATO, and addressed the different ethnicities living in the country as a multi-ethnic state like China, Russia, the US and pretty much all of Europe including Western Europe, Putin would've invaded anyway?


Lieutenant General
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Russia has Su-34 which can lob satellite guided bombs from like 20 to 25 km away. Oh, and it's got thermal too.
The Mi-28N has night vision googles. As does the Ka-52.

The problem is that all of these weapons systems have been getting delivered to Ukraine via Poland. So what will Russia do to stop the inflow of weapons into the country? They’ve already moved troops to the border with Poland although it is highly unlikely they’ll do anything. Still something important to monitor in relation to the ongoing conflict.
Keep those weapon donations to Russia coming. Why not F-35s too? You need, you know, people to man those systems and Russia already has the largest city in Ukraine in check. You need training too. You can't just throw weapons to people and expect them to operate them. Do they think this is the Six Days War? Are they using Israeli advisors?


Registered Member
The Mi-28N has night vision googles. As does the Ka-52.

Keep those weapon donations to Russia coming. Why not F-35s too? You need, you know, people to man those systems and Russia already has the largest city in Ukraine in check. You need training too. You can't just throw weapons to people and expect them to operate them. Do they think this is the Six Days War? Are they using Israeli advisors?
Well, who knows? But Zelensky is a Jew. Just sayin'...
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