Ukrainian War Developments

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The Great Taiwan imposed sanction against Russia. Russia has to be trembling with fear now.
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Well, what should I say? Like a clown dancing, an ant to impose sanction against an elephant.

At the mean time, this seems to be the most heart-breaking sentence from Zelensky:
"We have been left alone to defend our state,"
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Lieutenant General
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I hope so, but it's looking unlikely right now because the company building the pipeline was already sanctioned yesterday... But it's possible that Germany is planning to get around the sanctions and keep the pipeline alive behind the scenes. If that happens, it will be a major loss to the US and NATO will continue to fracture.
NordStream 2 AG, a company based in Switzerland, own the pipeline. They are owned by Gazprom and several European energy companies with Gazprom having half the capital and the other companies the rest. The pipeline has been built and filled with gas since past December. All it needs is certification i.e. a license to operate. The Germans have been dragging this for over 6 months and now froze the licensing process.

Iraq 2 was one of the most one sided wars in modern history, and it took 6 weeks. We've not passed 24 hours of this conflict so it's premature to be saying much about how long the war is going to take.
Iraq had been under sanctions for a decade and had no weapons supplies. The US also destroyed most of their military hardware when they destroyed retreating Iraqi military columns after Iraq had done a cease fire and had signed a troop withdrawal. Russia is fighting an enemy which was supplied even just a week ago. Even then it does not matter if they were supplied or not. They have no proper combat experience and you can't just handle non-combatants weapons and expect them to perform well. They would just be cannon fodder. Which the US would love of course.

The materiel losses do stand out, but then again Russians don't fight like NATO. They aren't afraid to get their hands dirty and acknowledge there will be losses. Look how they fought in Afghanistan, or even WW2.
Most of the Russian troops here seem to be the bulk of their forces. But they are not the elite Russian forces. All of those seem to be held in reserve. We see T-72B3 tanks and T-80BVM. But no T-90 tanks. They aren't bothering sending those since even the T-72B3 is better than Ukrainian tanks and against infantry the result is more or less the same.

I see no evidence of the conflict becoming asymmetrical warfare scenario. Ukrainians aren't Afghan tribals, they mostly live a western life and haven't grown up seeing daily violence. The neo-nazi groups may fight to the last man, then again they're cowards who can only kill civilians.
Agreed. The US commentators thinking this will happen are delusional. Notice how Russia didn't even bother cutting traffic or power supplies. NATO bombed Serb energy and telecoms infrastructure.

There may be some civil disobedience when cities like Kiev are occupied but that won't be a problem as we saw in Belarus and Kazakhstan.
Remember it took several days for the US to enter Baghdad in 2003. In the meantime we often heard reports of how the US were retreating. It is the same shit all over again.

Something definetely smells fishy. No mass artillery attacks, no mass tank attacks, no massive infantry attacks, no.massive air attacks etc. No massive anything.

It doesn't seem to be what a proper general offensive to invade a country is supposed to be. Its more of probing attacks than anything else
They are basically just roaming around and destroying any active opposition they come around. This way they can force the Ukrainians to expend their weapons stockpiles with minimal expense of their own. It also keeps them on their toes. The proper ground offensive, if it happens, should be later. They should be holding more than half their troops back in reserve.

Hundreds [reportedly thousands however this cannot be confirmed] of volunteers are being outfitted with military equipment and munitions in major cities with little to no military training in Ukranian held regions.
This is idiotic. These kinds of Volksturm units will only lead to unnecessary losses for what are essentially armed civilians. Lots of Ukrainians will die needlessly.

Zelensky signed the total mobilization. If the Russians had any intention of having some sort of ceasefire agreement and imposing the conditions they demanded, that strategy didn't work. We will certainly see an expansion of actions on both sides of the war.
Didn't you get Putin's memo? He said de-nazification. There will be no negotiation with the Ukrainian government of the Euromaidan regime. Just capitulation.

In the 2008 Russo-Georgian War it seemed like the Russian airforce was the weakest link in their military. It looks like they haven't changed. I expected a lot more, especially after their experience in Syria.
Russia has almost two hundred Su-34 and we have seen none of those yet. So far I have seen helicopters, Su-25, and Su-35. The Russians seem to be trying to ensure air superiority but not air supremacy. They also aren't engaging on massive aerial bombardments yet.

It also shows you just how critical air supremacy is in modern combat. I know Chinese military planners have known this, and also watching closely, but it just keeps getting shown over and over.
The Russians traditionally rely more on artillery than aerial bombardment.

I'm sure the stockpile of unguided munitions is large enough to attack low value targets in Ukraine, leaving the use of guided munitions for higher value targets. So far, it appears that the Su-34 aircraft are on the ground and have not taken off from their forward base in Voronezh at any point in the 24 hours. Not to mention that in this same base, the 10 of the 18 Su-24s that were from the Crimean base are also positioned next to the Su-34s.
Exactly. They haven't bothered with aerial bombardment yet. It will probably happen once they move into the main cities proper.

If these are Russian Mig-29s, they are flying very low and maybe threatened by MANPADS. The pilots should at least be popping flares in case of AA fire. However, if it is Ukrainian MiG-29s targeting Russian helos, it makes a lot of sense. The helos are flying low so the fighters are flying low. They are not popping countermeasures because AA on the ground is not going to fire at them.
The Russians have next to no MiG-29 in service. All the pictures and movies you see in Twitter with MiG-29 are Ukrainian forces.


Senior Member
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seems like russian try to do pincer movement on kyiv

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Exactly. However, some of these contours of the operation emerge. Let's look at its development today, Kiev is obviously one of the priority goals.

At 03:00 explosions were reported in Gostomel.

In the area of Gostomel explosions are heard again, - mass media

On Friday, February 25, at approximately three o'clock in the morning, the explosions resumed in the Gostomel district of the Kiev region.

This was reported by UNIAN with reference to TSN.

It is worth noting that in this area there is a military airfield, which the occupiers failed to capture on February 24.

Isolated explosions can be heard in Boryspil, near Kiev, eyewitnesses say.

According to Vgolos, Russia is preparing a large-scale bombing of Kiev, an international network of hackers.

We will recall that on Thursday the defenders of Ukraine completely recaptured the Gostomel airport where the Russian landings landed earlier.

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Lieutenant General
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I personally think the attack on Kiev is a feint and their aim is to encircle the bulk of elite units the Ukrainians have which are in the East of the Dnieper river. Once the troops in the south and north link up they will move the main forces over and mop them up. An attack on Kiev would happen afterwards.


Junior Member
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Mig29 pilot who has been defending Kiev and has reportedly downed several Russian aircraft has picked up the monicker of “The Ghost of Kiev” and is being celebrated by locals as a hero and defender of Ukraine; boosting the moral of the cities inhabitants.
Ace Combat 8: Ghost of Kiev sounds like a hot game title. Realistic? Not so much LoL


Junior Member
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Do you think that, since Russia is moving in on Moldovas door step that they could officially recognize Transnistria; essentially a repeat of what happened with the LNR and DPR, taking care of lose ends?
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