Ukrainian War Developments

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james smith esq

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Well it can be that SAMs are still operational in Ukraine. Transports will definitely be a major target. This begs the question of why are these sites still kicking and not destroyed by SEAD sorties. Or why Russian ECM planes are not doing their job.
The Ukrainian AF is still in the fight (or was still in the fight a few hours ago). Whether they pose any threat to VVS in the air is questionable. As you said, Su-35s easily outclass the Ukrainian Mig-29s.
As for the last point, there is a reason why the PLAAF has adopted to NATO training styles.
As usual, this has not been a textbook high tech air campaign by Russia! Makes you wonder about all those Russian claims about brand-new wonder-weapons!

Check Mate! Maybe, not!


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If these are Russian Mig-29s, they are flying very low and maybe threatened by MANPADS. The pilots should at least be popping flares in case of AA fire. However, if it is Ukrainian MiG-29s targeting Russian helos, it makes a lot of sense. The helos are flying low so the fighters are flying low. They are not popping countermeasures because AA on the ground is not going to fire at them.
This low flying MIG-29 is strange behaviour.
In syria they never use those planes that low altitude. UAVs provide target data. so far no visibility or downing of UAVs.



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The difference between Iraq and Ukraine is that the Americans strategicly implemented SEAD against Iraqi air defenses, this is notably lacking in Ukraine with Russian forces attempting to overwhelm and outright destroy air defense battalions before they can become operational.


That's also called "SEAD/DEAD".

Think of it this way, the Ukrainian AF was going to be destroyed anyways. High command may tell the pilots to focus on things that they can kill (ie helos) instead of things that outclass them (ie flankers). It is a suicide mission but basically it is "bring as many Russian helos down as possible before dying".
As for the flare thing, I am pretty sure I saw a vid of Russian helos dropping flares constantly. Kind of basing my assumptions with that vid.

Fighters don't have unlimited flares. You're not going to see flares in every 3 second clip.

Also, if Ukranian Migs wanna go on a suicide mission, they would still target the primary threat which is the Russian air force, not helos. They are much lower on the priority list.

In any case, it's clear there is no actual confirmation of many of these claims....

So take all of this with a HUGE grain of salt. This is all the fog of war.


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Moderator - World Affairs
While China has been debating about invading or not invading Taiwan for the last 10 years; thinking up the perfect plan; waiting for the perfect moment, Russia just went ahead and blitzed Ukraine. Sanctions be damned. This entire war could be over in less than 48 hours.
Russia actions are characteristic of a weak declining power who is boxed in a corner, with no other option except war.

China action are characteristic of a powerful rising superpower who has the luxury to choose the time and place of reunification it's own terms at it's own convenience.

Also, rather than Taiwan, a better comparator would be Mongolia/Vietnam or any ex-Chinese colonies that China (reluctantly) recognized as sovereign. Taiwan is part of an unresolved civil war.
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It is also a good idea to remember that western media, no matter how "objective" they usually are, will most likely run cover for the Ukrainians.

Let alone the "OSINT" twitter western losers.
Yep. Notice the heavy reporting of Russian military losses, next to no coverage of Ukranian ones.

It's like Afghanistan again, when even as the Taliban were retaking the country a city at a time all we would hear about was "heavy fighting" and taliban losses.
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