Ukrainian War Developments

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Yes, I am sure compared with the threat of Ukraine getting nuclear weapons with a neo-nazi infested government is worse than the stock market collapsing by 50%.
That must be some weird "Nazi" government then. The president and the prime minister of Ukraine are Jewish.

These conspiracy theories are embarrassing to say the least. I can't believe people actually fall for that.


Registered Member
People are just hanging onto every indication Russia is losing, they need that vindication. I get that.
If it was Putin bluffing about going to war I'll even agree.

But the situation has changed.
Russia is willing to eat those sanctions, crash the economy, let Sweden and Finland officially join NATO and much more.

We'll have to see if it was worth it.

The fog of war is too thick, too deep, this time.

Almost anything is possible politically speaking after this event.

No one in the west wants to fight Russia over the Ukraine.

What is next, the fog is too thick.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
So Russia didnt have in place circuit breakers? In US its impossible for stocks to drop 50% in a day, once it goes over 15% trading halts
Beats me. I heard they had frozen trading for a while. The average joe stock investor in the West can't even invest in the Russian stock market. If valuations in Russia collapse, it is a great opportunity for someone to swoop them up. I am pretty sure someone will become filthy rich. But it is a big gamble and not for average investors.


Registered Member
If there will Swift sanction, I may see Lithuania, and Latvia and Estonia so Russia could merge with Królewiec. Estonia has big Russian population. Poland is too big, and right next to Germany. Maybe tactical nuke if Russia won't have anything to lose. I will observe and better leave the big city. Fortunately I am close to Slovakia and Czech border.
tactical nukes? this went from Putin was just doing an excercise and Brandon crying wolf to talk about tactical nukes and poland being invaded? pretty fast escalation


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SOOOOO wise, Russia saying that she will protect herself if endangered by miltary systems next to its borders, and willing to use miltiary force, so the best thing is to put nuclear weapons to its borders.

I presume you pull out a weapon if a police officer stop you on the motorway, and keep it in hand very visibly to show you are prepared for anything.
Yeah but did Russia nuke Turkey? Turkey is hosting nukes as well. It is much closer to Russia than Poland.


Registered Member
That must be some weird "Nazi" government then. The president and the prime minister of Ukraine are Jewish.
Since when the religion received at birth has effect on the political views of a person ?

Poland is in NATO. While Biden can sidestep around Ukraine saying that the US has no obligations for military intervention, a direct attack on NATO ally would force them to act otherwise it is as good as NATO getting dissolved.
Act what ?
Start a nuclear war ?


Lieutenant General
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Well I am pretty certain the threat of Ukraine getting nuclear weapons with a neo-nazi infested government is worse than the stock market collapsing by 50%. I am also certain average Russians have a lot of stocks. Well not that.

Oh come on :mad: ... to call anyone - especially the government - a Nazi regime whenever you don't like it or want to have an excuse is lame.

Do you know how often I am accused of being a Nazi in different forums, whenever they lost any arguments?

I don't want to deny such idiots in Ukraine, but just look at the USA, France, ... and in Russia itself, such retards are everywhere and not every government therefore is "neo-nazi infested"!

So STOP this BS!
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