Ukrainian War Developments

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Considering China is the only major world power with decent relations with both Ukraine and Russia, what are the chances that China may be requested to moderate by both Kiev and Moscow? China technically has skin in the game with both sides with billions of investments and interests in both countries.

Ukraine would naturally hesitate as China leans slightly towards Russia, but realistically they also know that China moderating a peace accord might be the best of Ukraine's limited choices. Russia probably wouldn't want any western power moderating.
I don’t think China is going to get directly involved in European Affairs.


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For the first time I'm almost in complete agreement with Fareed Zakaria, if I were looking from the US perspective. I would advocate the Reverse Nixon strategy though. China is by far the greater threat to the Anglo world hegemony but it's far from Europe or the US. While Russia is right at Europe's door step. Better make friend with Russia while isolate China. The Reverse Nixon strategy failed not because the strategy was flawed but because its excution was stupid and half-hearted. If Nixon/Kissinger were still in office, they probably would have pulled it off. Not to mention, had Reverse Nixon succeeded, the current invasion would not have taken place.


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Considering China is the only major world power with decent relations with both Ukraine and Russia, what are the chances that China may be requested to moderate by both Kiev and Moscow? China technically has skin in the game with both sides with billions of investments and interests in both countries.

Ukraine would naturally hesitate as China leans slightly towards Russia, but realistically they also know that China moderating a peace accord might be the best of Ukraine's limited choices. Russia probably wouldn't want any western power moderating.
Neither the West nor Russia wants China to do anything really. It is just complicating the situation.
China's main goal is to buy more Russian oil in very low prices. And to get as much economic benefits out from the conflict as possible. In fact, the best case for China is for the US and Russia to be locked in combat over Ukraine.


He's going to be a colonel in the Russian Armed Forces now didn't you hear?


reservior dogs

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Considering China is the only major world power with decent relations with both Ukraine and Russia, what are the chances that China may be requested to moderate by both Kiev and Moscow? China technically has skin in the game with both sides with billions of investments and interests in both countries.

Ukraine would naturally hesitate as China leans slightly towards Russia, but realistically they also know that China moderating a peace accord might be the best of Ukraine's limited choices. Russia probably wouldn't want any western power moderating.
There is nothing to moderate. Russia will decide where and how this thing ends.
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