Ukrainian War Developments

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Jingle Bells

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Apparently the Russia-Ukraine talks in Istanbul have ended.

The below would be a loss for Russia if true
This is exactly what I have predicted earlier on. Russia has successfully divided the strategic interest of Franco-German-centric EU and the US led NATO, NOT solely by this war, but by the aftermath of starting this war.

Because Biden's US-led NATO is too chicken to intervene directly with forces, (as how that Ukrainian advisor has visioned, peace keeping forces speedily driving into areas not yet occupied by Russian advancements), they have to resort to tough economic sanctions and financial wars instead. And when it comes to economy and finance, the US's strategic interest diverges from that of EU. This trend itself will divide the US and EU, because if EU comply with US's every whim, the EU will be the one to lose big time.

As indicated by the depreciation of Euro, as well as the obviously self-destructing "gas stand-off" between the EU and Russia, at the whim of the US. They US can not satisfy EU demand for Gas at all. Even under this newly signed agreement, the US can only hope to replace around one third of Russian gas to EU, by the year 2030. And this is at a much higher price than Russian gas. The EU is over, if Russia start to play mid-term game of starving the EU by cutting off gas supply slightly more than what the US can replace, EU society and industry will feel the shortage and scarcity. This will be detrimental to the capital market's confidence in the EU. This is something the EU can't accept, therefore they will capitulate eventually.

This is also why when Biden famously said that "Putin can not rule Russia any more" a few day's ago, even the obedient lapdog Macron quick came out and say that he disagree with Biden's stands. Even though the Biden administration came out later to deny that statement made by Biden, Biden successful used this statement to "feel his European underlings out". And he's felt their bottom lines. Now, Biden is in even a better position to blackmail EU and suck the wealth and capital out of Europe.

obj 705A

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EU threatens to block Russian oil supplies to Serbia​

Croatian state-owned oil pipeline operator JANAF said it will halt oil supplies to Serbian oil and gas company NIS starting mid-May, due to the latest sanctions introduced by the EU against Russia.

Russia’s Gazprom owns a 56.15%-share in NIS, which is one of the largest oil and gas companies in southeast Europe. The corporation is focused on exploration, production and processing of oil and gas, as well as the production and retail of petroleum products. The Serbian government owns a 29.87% stake in the company.

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Serbia is a landlocked country, and to make matters worse they are landlocked by NATO countries, their only way out is through Bosnia' tiny coast, however it is possible that Bosnia under pressure from the west would also join the sanctions against Russia and it's allies.
since Putin has said he will stop the flow of gas to the west by march 31 if they don't pay Russia in rubles, they are now using Serbia as hostage, officially Bosnia is supposed to be in the final stages to join NATO, NATO in this case can effectively enforce a siege on Serbia.


Registered Member
There is no surrender treaty, what are you talking about. You are often always so absolutist, that anything short of the overthrow of the Zelensky Regime and the conquest of all of Ukraine would be acceptable, without considering the costs of the occupation of such a huge amount of territory and also backing an regime that would be most unpopular in most of Ukraine and there would be an interminable counterinsurgency.

Secondly, what's you have commented on isn't truly the Russian side...
When Putin started the war the goals he set meant the Ukrainian state would have to be overthrown. If he wanted a war to just liberate the Donbass, he should have said that.

I'm not alone in what I'm saying, it's what every single Russian military commentator is saying right now. I'm sure it's the opinion every single Russian general and 90% of people around Putin as well. He's gradually replaced the pro-western individuals with Eurasian ones. He's pretty much the only Yeltsin era Atlanticist left in the Kremlin, although we thought his views had changed.

It won't be cheap to occupy the Ukraine, but then you have to ask why he started the war in the first place. Wars never make financial sense.

We'll have to see if this peace treaty is real or not. My instinct tells me that Putin would never agree to it, but he's getting awfully close to signing the dotted line.

Most Russian military commentators are saying it's just political theatre, so I suppose I'll treat it as such until it actually happens.


Registered Member
And he's felt their bottom lines. Now, Biden is in even a better position to blackmail EU and suck the wealth and capital out of Europe.
The US tried to harvest China and it failed.
Now the US tries (and is succeeding) to harvest the EU.

People say the world is a jungle, but i prefer to see it as big farm. Its all about which crops the farmer can harvest

Jingle Bells

Junior Member
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Why should China be expected to guarantee Ukrainian security? Fxxk that.

I'll be interested to hear what the options will be for denazification & demilitarisation, not to mention territorial losses. Apparently Kherson has now switched over to rubles and Russian language as well.

Personally I think the peace talks are just a game to give Russia time to finish the Ukraine off, but we'll see if anything meaningful comes out of it.
Well, if we can sell weapons to Ukraine. I'd say why not? It would be nice to see Ukrainians flying J-10C and even J16 (of course the Russians will be pissed, but we could simply "donate"/"lease" those to them, like how the Russians "lease" Akula to India), sailing 054A and 039B/C's export variant. And it won't be bad to sell them our newest export oriented wheeled IFV-family (some with 105mm cannons, which I am pretty sure the Ukrainians would love to have, for political reasons).

And of course, drones! Lots and lots of drones. Gee, I could be a even better drone salesmen for that.

lol, joke, guys, jokes. :D :D :D Don't kill me.:D:D:D
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