Ukrainian War Developments

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Jingle Bells

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Seriously, most Chinese greatly underestimates Russian nationalists’ fear of losing Siberia to China.

Within the framework of reasonable estimate of what “stronger” can mean for Russia and for China respectively, Russia has far greater fear of what a stronger China can mean for Russia, than China has for what a stronger Russia can mean for China. A persistently stronger China can plausibly be unencumbered by great competition with the US. That would be a nightmare for Russia. A persistently stronger Russia can’t plausibly be unencumbered by great power competition on its western flank. Even if it is it isn’t near as strong relative to China as the reverse.

No, not serious at all.
In fact, you've gotta be joking!
What make you think we Chinese are not aware of that?

And what's the motive of your statement? That we Chinese shouldn't be optimistic about a friendly Russia? That they are no such friendly Russia? That Russians are racist towards Chinese people? That we don't have friends?

What make you think we are so desperately in need of a friend? Like how Ukraine is literally begging for "friends"? You think we need Russia more than Russia need friends? If you do, you're damn delusional.

First of all, we don't NEED friends. We also don't dislike having friends. 来者不拒,去者不追。We only provide an opportunity for mutual benefit/profit. If Ruskies are man enough to be confident and open to Chinese people, they will profit and have co-prosperity. If the don't, do you think it will be us Chinese who is getting starved in poverty?

What the heck is wrong with you delusional people?! You think Ruskies can even afford to be in a position of power and superiority to dislike and be suspicious of Chinese people? Damn self-abased losers! Quit superposing your own lack of confidence onto another nation of people.
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"Do you agree with MacGregor that the real purpose of goading Russia into a war in Ukraine was “regime change”?

Second, do you agree that Ukraine is being used as a staging ground for the US to carry out a proxy-war on Russia?

Larry C. Johnson– Doug is great analyst but I disagree with him—I don’t think there is anyone in the Biden Administration that is smart enough to think and plan in those strategic terms. In my view the last 7 years have been the inertia of the NATO status quo. What I mean by that is that NATO and Washington, believed they could continue to creep east on Russia’s borders without provoking a reaction. NATO and EUCOM regularly carried out exercises—including providing “offensive” training—and supplied equipment. I believe reports in the United States that the CIA was providing paramilitary training to Ukrainian units operating in the Donbass are credible. But I have trouble believing that after our debacles in Iraq and Afghanistan, we suddenly have Sun Tzu level strategists pulling the strings in Washington."
On one hand, yes that is hilarious; on the other hand, the US doesn't exactly need to reinvent the proverbial geopolitical wheel either, when they already have the Soviet-Afghan War to look back on how to deal with Russia. They're just copying the homework that was already done by their seniors.


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This could be a very significant loss for Russia well beyond the present conflict:

That container parts on his side maybe ? It's the command room of the system so a couple of screen and computers if it is. But it could be a lot of things... If it was the vehicule with all the antenna and electronic warfare it would be interesting but would probably explode from a kinzhal before reaching the border...
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