Ukrainian War Developments

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Lol. Wanwanese are truly delusional
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Around 40 per cent of Taiwanese believe Japan would dispatch troops to help defend the island if mainland China attacked – more than those who think the United States would come to their assistance, according to a survey released on Tuesday
The two-day survey conducted from March 14 by the Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation found that 43 per cent of the respondents believe Japan would come to Taiwan’s aid militarily should Beijing attack, while those who said the United States would dispatch troops to the island came to 35 per cent.


Junior Member
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China should minimize its risks in a future relationship with Ukraine by not complacently assuming that Ukraine
will abide by the terms of anything more than a short-term transactional agreement in its own narrow interests.

When the USA demands that Ukraine take action against China, Ukraine will hasten to obey that command.
And if that means Ukraine's breaking any agreement with China, will Ukraine even think twice about its decision?

Ukraine's government has decided that its best hope for the future is to become a slavish client state of the USA,
not a neutral bridge between the European Union and Russia. Ukrainians will live or die with the consequences.


Registered Member
What's your estimation regarding the losses for both sides?
I put it around 7k-9k KIA and 10k-12k KIA
Russian did not have the advantage in number and time to build defensive positions. It's sure that they loss troops with more or less equal equipment and NATO input of ATGM and Manpads. But regardless of losses, Ukrainian are backing slowly and could collapse soon. Russian have no options than going forward.


Registered Member
China should minimize its risks in a future relationship with Ukraine by not complacently assuming that Ukraine
will abide by the terms of anything more than a short-term transactional agreement in its own narrow interests.

When the USA demands that Ukraine take action against China, Ukraine will hasten to obey that command.
And if that means Ukraine's breaking any agreement with China, will Ukraine even think twice about its decision?

Ukraine's government has decided that its best hope for the future is to become a slavish client state of the USA,
not a neutral bridge between the European Union and Russia. Ukrainians will live or die with the consequences.
Future relationship with Ukraine, does Ukraine have a future ?


Lieutenant General
This got me thinking
What makes Russian use of Kinzhal special?
Technically speaking most Ballistic Missiles are hypersonic then what makes Kinzhal special besides being air-launch based ballistic missile?

Whats special about hypersonics and distinctly different from ballistics is the flight path.

Ballistic missiles fly high and gain speed from gravity assisted dive to reach hypersonic terminal speeds. That makes them easier to detect at extended ranges and gives you more options to intercept them since their flight paths are fairly fixed and predictable.

Hypersonics can fly at cruise missile height at hypersonic speeds. That massively reduced the detection window and their speed and manoeuvrability makes intercept far far more challenging.

The plasma sheaf that forms around the missile can also work to further reduce RCS and may even make hypersonics far more resistant to direct energy laser weapons.

Currently there are defences that can at least have a reasonable chance of intercepting ballistic missiles, but no weapon can claim to be able to intercept an hypersonic other than by sheer blind luck.
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