Ukrainian War Developments

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Another kill-assist for Reddit?

Getting schacked 20 minutes into a fight, as a sniper, is pretty pathetic even for a video game.

I have always held significant reservations about the value of the much vaunted western ‘combat experience’ from their foreign misadventures and how the western volunteers are performing is proving those doubts right.

It’s one thing beating down on people who don’t have the means to fight back in any meaningful way, it’s another ball game entirely fighting a peer or near-peer opponent.

To use a much over-used quote from Tyson, everyone has a plan until you punch them in the mouth.

Thus far the west has only fought opponents who had no way to punch them back, never mind in the mouth and with feeling. It’s like a gym teacher who thinks he is some combat superman because none of the primary school kids he habitually beats down on can touch him. All his combat experience developed from fighting children is going to count for very little if he ever steps into the ring with another adult fighter.
Couldn't agree more.

Having a Canadian 'sniper ace' smoked in the first 20 minutes of action is humiliating. There has been no official refuting of this by the man himself and by the Western MSM; which would have been instant if his death was truly false. So for me, he is pretty much dead.

That Canadian 'sniper ace' truly underestimated his foe. He was killing Taliban and ISIL fighters for years, and he thought that killing Russians would be the same. The deadly reality for him is that Russia is not Afghanistan or ISIL. In the Middle East, he had friendly ISR and air superiority to cover his back and give him his situational awareness. That enabled him to move around and do his work with relative impunity. This is not the same with Russia. Russia is far more technologically sophisticated, and they had already control the skies over Ukraine. The Taliban and ISIL could not dictate the battle with him, but Russia could.

Not only that, we are reading tweets and horror stories of other foreign mercenaries lamenting about the absolute disaster they are experiencing in Ukraine. What happened to all those bravado talks, and talks about giving their lives to defend 'freedom and democracy'? Some of these foreign mercenaries were war veterans. Some of them were even ex-special forces.

I too have always had the niggling thought that soldiers from the collective West were suspect. Since WW2, Western soldiers have only faced enemies with meagre air and naval power. These soldiers have never faced a situation where the enemy has potent air and ISR capability. They have not faced an enemy who has the technology, and intelligence to rival the West.

This is the case for those 'brave' Western mercenaries. They have only experienced COIN, low-intensity conflicts, where they had air and ISR superiority. There was even the laughable hubris of other 'elite' foreign mercenaries with no war experience like that South Korean ex-Navy Seals volunteer. He had trained with the US numerous times. But once he had his first taste of combat in Ukraine, he wanted to return home so badly. Maybe he thought fighting the Russians was as easy as in Call Of Duty. As the former pentagon advisor, Col. Doug Macgregor said, the West is not ready for a real fight with Russia. All those years of experience in low-intensity conflicts in the Middle East is irrelevant. What's happening in Ukraine is classic high-intensity conflict with a near-peer adversary.

I was fairly surprised to see how quickly these 'battle-hardened' foreign volunteers melted away when things went south. I have yet to see any Western soldier 'soldiering on' when their situation is screwed up. Like when so many of their buddies were ruthlessly killed by the enemy. Or when the Ukrainian generals asked them to become cannon fodder on the frontlines, giving them little protective equipment and ammunition to work with. They instantly panicked and fled. If you are a Western top brass observing this, this is a very serious issue. Many of the adversaries facing the West, can fight with so much less, and can soldier on despite horrendous circumstances. This is what they will be facing if they were to ever face against Russian or Chinese troops in their own respective neighbourhoods. They will face battles far more intense than even Ukraine itself, against far more determined soldiers.

Hollywood and video games have for a long time, sugar-coated war for Western audiences. They gave the impression that any 21st century war is a guaranteed to win for the West. I have witnessed so much copium, including here in this thread about guaranteed Western military supremacy. Their adversaries, were always depicted as reckless, weak-minded, technologically backward, and most unforgivable of all, stupid. When this Russo-Ukraine war is finished, there will be much post-mortem for the West to do. All those fanboys of Western supremacy will have to face reality at some point.


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A lot of new equipment coming to Ukraine soon from the US
The drones are going to be a pain in the ass for Russia
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More US arms = more war trophies for Russia to collect, judging by how the war is going. The Russians have captured so many NLAWs, that they could afford to expend some to train DPR and LPR soldiers. Besides, how are they gonna actually get them to Ukrainian combatants without Russia knowing it? Russia could already track foreign fighters in Ukraine. So they could easily track those weapon movements into Ukraine. By announcing to the world that the US will be providing more arms to Ukraine, Biden have already given to Russia a massive tip-off. So lets see what Russia does next.


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More US arms = more war trophies for Russia to collect, judging by how the war is going. The Russians have captured so many NLAWs, that they could afford to expend some to train DPR and LPR soldiers. Besides, how are they gonna actually get them to Ukrainian combatants without Russia knowing it? Russia could already track foreign fighters in Ukraine. So they could easily track those weapon movements into Ukraine. By announcing to the world that the US will be providing more arms to Ukraine, Biden have already given to Russia a massive tip-off. So lets see what Russia does next.
I wonder how long the Ukrainians will need to get familiar with the multiple weapon systems of all the nations. Especially a drone is a complex weapon system. You need instructors, a save place and some time to train the soldiers.
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