Ukrainian War Developments

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Registered Member
An update from the Reddit Rambo Battalion:
They've already devolved to internet drama. If they're this disorderly when they only have to move supplies in and out of a warehouse I can't imagine they're going to put up much of a struggle when the Russians turn up.

As a reminder, these guys are UK/US ex soldiers who've done at least one tour and they're behaving like teenage girls on instagram.


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Ukrainians are claiming 13,000 kills with 1,300 deaths. That's a 10:1 K/D ratio despite no air force v a very big one, and mostly inferior platforms. What do you think?
Ukr army probably suffered 1300 KIA alone in Mariupol so far. Maybe even a lot more. The number of Ukrainian troops surrounded there was around 15k and they are being grinded down, with reports (unconfirmed) of very few POWs taken.
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Registered Member
Ukr army probably suffered 1300 KIA alone in Mariupol so far. Maybe even a lot more. The number of Ukrainian troops surrounded there was around 15k and they are being grinded down, with reports (unconfirmed) of very few POWs taken.
So far this war has had a high POW/casualty rate, much higher than any other recent conflict. At least from the Russian side, the Ukrainians haven't publically released how many POWs they have captured but I imagine it will be similar.

Quite a low civilian casualty rate too, despite what the western media is saying.


Lieutenant General
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Javelin is a damn sight more complex than TOW. If it were so easy Russia would already have a Javelin analog, no?
No. Javelin is Infra red guided, it's basically Igla or stinger but it kills tanks.
Russia decided to skip that generation of weapon. The Javelin uses a cryocooled IR sensor. This is a pain to use in the field and means the Javelin expires earlier than previous generation ATGMs. Next generation ATGMs like the one the French are putting into service do not need a cryocooled IR sensor.

Yeah they haven't and it's kind of mystery that all these decades they seem to never really interested in fire and forget ATGM.
They do demonstrate fancy mmwave radar seeker for the Kh-25, but seems to never field the missile operationally. Even their newest Vikhr is laser beamrider.
The Russians developed mmWave for their helicopters but because it is not cost effective they prefer to use laser guided weapons.
At best it might make sense against tanks or other expensive heavily armored vehicles but that is not what their helicopters face most of the time.

Han Patriot

Junior Member
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I think it's much worse, at least with the $100 toilet paper and $20,000 coffee cups you get something physical out of it.

This will be social media campaigns, paying retired generals & think tanks for "analysis", bribing officials for votes in the UNGA, funding of NGOs to spread "democracy" (most with board members who are politicians or their family members). None of which will make a difference in the real world.

Even still, $13 billion is a lot of money for what is internationally a minor country. They produce wheat and have a few good boxers, but that's it. I'm assuming that doesn't include the amount that's already been spent. Ukraine doesn't really produce anything of high value and it isn't strategically THAT important. 30 years ago it wasn't even a country.

They probably could just bribe Putin with half of that and get him to withdraw. Or just given it to the Ukrainians to agree to whatever change domestic laws the Russians were unhappy about.
exactly, i reckon they must've pumped at least at least triple that amount in aid and whatever funding over the past 8 years. Should've just paid off Putin and signed a neutrality agreement, problem solved.
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