at this point war in donbass has morphed into a positional warfare, with emphasis placed on firepower. while there remains an incentive to attack enemy positions, the NAF is no longer required to execute those good ole soviet deep battle maneuvers. the intention is obvious, objectives are clear, and dispositions are fairly transparent, it is now just a matter of pushing the enemy back under the cover of overwhelming volume of fire. logistic here is key, and this is where NAF is likely to get one up over the UAF. notwithstanding claims of ammo shortage, in the end if circumstance dictates the NAF in the debaltseve theatre will find a way to either gather ammo from friendly units elsewhere, or beg for them to be supplied from mother russia, the bottom line being that they can get it if they really want it. the UAF units in the pocket, on the other hand, does not have such luxury. they might still be supplied, but I suspect in very limited volumes and unreliable timings, because of the deteriorating conditions on the only road connecting them with the rear.