Below is a excerpt from the Vineyard Saker blog. Its shows you how Russians think about China's defence industry and perhabs its economy as a whole. Now maybe he is just simplifying things or he is just using hyperboles. It could even be a freudian slip. But eitherway its quite telling. And this guy is suppose to be pro China.
The two countries are ideal symbionts: everything one has the other needs and vice versa. China needs Russian raw materials, especially energy, Russian high technology (aerospace, engines, power plants, etc.) and Russian armaments (everything from the rifle bullet to the ICBM). Russia needs two things from China: money and "Walmart" (consumer goods). Together these two giants not only have immense currency resources but the biggest stash of physical gold on the planet. And, to make things even better, Russia and China are the undisputed leaders of BRICS and SCO. Taken together these two countries are already far more powerful than the AngloZionist Empire and that trend will only grow.