To my knowledge, the Indians have no plans to use the Rafael for their carriers. I do not believe they even offially looked at the carrier variant of the aircraft when they were reveiwing it.Good info, but I thought Indian Navy would operate Rafale, and Chinese Navy would operate 5th gen J-31 in the future.
I think it is pretty clear that the Indians consider the Mig-29K to be their go forward naval fixed wing aircraft. They may augment it with the navalized Tejas for light attack shjould it ever actually get produced. The Indians want to eventually go indegenous and it would be woirth their while, even if costly to develop that industry onshore via the Tejas as a start.
As to the Chinese, the J-31 has had no takers to date.
The J-15 is now in serial production and I believe that the J-15 and the two seat J-15S will be their carrier fixed wing aircraft for the forseeable future.
At some point the Chinese Navy may pick up the J-31, but to date, after several years, there has been no apparent move to do so, and everything I had heard indicated that the J-31 was more for the export market anyway.