Attack against Iran? Maybe. I thought the Bush administration didn't have any more stupid ideas, but yeah, it's coming to it now. And it seems both sides are getting prepared for the worst.
In Iraq, you have several forces: the Mehdi army, which numbers in the tens of thousands (along with millions of sypmhatizers) and who have access to some of the latest equipment and training from Iran (but they haven't used it against the Americans-yet). Then you have the Sunni insurgents who are getting large amounts of money and weapons flowing in from Saudi Arabia and Syria. You then have Al Qaeda, one of the most powerful terrorist organizations on this planet who have now set up an "emirate" in Al Anbar province. All these groups have different agendas, but they have one thing in common and that is to get the US out of Iraq. When push comes to shove, these groups will most likely start to help each other out. They will all become the target of the US military and your enemy's enemy is your friend for a time being.
For Iran, they have a massive land force: nearly five to six million in the Iranian Pasandra alone. Then you have the regular army and the Revolutionary Guards. Then you have the proxies, many of them armed cream crop weaponry. Jesus Christ this will by no doubt get messy.
The US bases in Iraq are simply vulnerable to any ballistic missile attacks by Iran. Iran has massive stockpiles of ballistic missiles (that's where a good chunk of their money goes). Each and every base in Iraq would be hit with volleys of such missiles, thus crippling the American presence in Iraq. And as for the Iranian Kilos, ya, they can definetely sink aircraft carriers, but it will be interesting to see how all of this is played out. Remember, Iran has been preparing for this moment ever since March 2003. Or shall I say after the Iraq-Iran war.
Utelore, I would love to know more about the weapons being used in Iraq by the insurgents. It's pretty bone chilling to find out the Iraqis have .50 caliber anti-material rifles these days...
Also, one very interesting note on the mutating form of the Iraqi insurgency:
Iraqi insurgents dressed as American soldiers, speaking fluent English and driving American made SUV's, went past three checkpoints, into a security center, and killed 5 American soldiers and wounded three others in Karbala. Please take a look at the related CNN report on youtube which I will post later.