Type 076 LHD/LHA discussion


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Exactly, it's not a aircraft carrier, a cruiser or even a submarine...it will be a new type of amphibious assault ship. I don't know why so many people are jumping into the do all, hat trick, jack of all trade, supawondership wagon.

Way better to have a dedicated ship for each purpose that is doing the job than something trying to do to much and unable to deliver full capabilities. Aircraft on carrier, helicopter on amphibious assault. Catapult for some UAV will be nice for recon and support like illuminating target for long range atgm fired from Z-10.
"A dedicated ship for each purpose", may I ask what is the philosophy behind? and why not multitasking?


Registered Member
Isn't that what we were expecting though? U(C)AVs only, not manned fighters and certainly not KJ600? The bulk of the air group will be helicopters anyway. The main role is amphibious assault, after all.
There were people both inside and outside China who was thinking 076 could act as an extension of a 003 carrier's deck when operating together, when the situation calls for more than 1 carrier.

I figured if you don't have enough carriers then build more carriers instead of 076. Plus there are other factors like LHD and carrier speed don't match for operating together and now we know the EMALS isn't compatible.


Registered Member
"A dedicated ship for each purpose", may I ask what is the philosophy behind? and why not multitasking?
Dedicated system philosophy is doing the best tool possible. Optimisation.

Philosophy of multitasking is trying to save money while building less systems that are overcomplicated and less efficient.

Multitasking is when you don't have the luxury to build dedicated piece of equipments.


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@伏尔戈星图 claimed that he managed to find out the length of the EMALS for the 076 LHD (shown by the red bars):
View attachment 115697

Other than him stipulating that the 076 LHD is very likely to have 2 EMALS onboard - Based on some very rough "measurestimation" of laying a ruler on the screen and compare - Assuming that the previous information on the overall dimension of the 076 LHD is close to factual (i.e. 252.3 meters long x 45 meters wide), the EMALS on the 076 is likely to have a length of just ~40-45 meters.

For comparison, the EMALS on Fujian is ~110 meters long. Assuming that the claim is anywhere close, then the EMALS on the 076 will not launch anything that is significantly greater in size and weight than the GJ-11 UCAV.

(Can be disappointing, I know)

(Disclaimer: He claimed to be very sure of the purported length of the EMALS on the 076. However, since @伏尔戈星图 is the guy that we're talking about, the usual caveats apply, i.e. take his claims with a generous pinch of salt.)

Looks like here is the source which @伏尔戈星图 on Weibo obtained the information regarding the number (2 per ship) and dimension (40-meter length x 4-meter width (top) & 2 meter-width (bottom) x 1.5-meter height) of the EMALS on the 076 LHD:

The "narrow and long space" noted in the paper is stipulated to represent the EMALS on the 076.

Posted by the same guy on Weibo.
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Allegedly a paper by 南航(??), likely a detailed study on U(C)AVs when performing auto-land on flat-decks (here assumed to be the 076 LHD).

The U(C)AV models listed in the paper are Wing Loong-2 (4200 kg), CH-6 (7800 kg) and GJ-11 (10000 kg). (Own comment: Perhaps these U(C)AV models will be the ones to serve on 076 LHDs in the future?)

Though, the metrics utilized for the study have been uniformized to 6000 kg, 8000 kg and 10000 kg respectively.

Posted by @伏尔戈星图 on Weibo. He also mentioned that the 076 LHD is likely to have 3 arresting wires onboard, since the numbers mentioned in the paper are all 3.


(Note: The disclaimer applies, as usual.)
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A rough model on what the 076 LHD could look like. Posted by @伏尔戈星图 on Weibo.

(Note that the CGI is only a suggestion based on what we do know of the 076 LHD, and should not be taken as any official indication of what the actual 076 LHD will eventually look like.)


Personal comment: Hopefully they will move that rear deck elevator to the side. Having the rear deck elevator in the same position as on the 075 could interfere with landing operations on the flight deck.


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"Following on my previous post, below is a very crude diagram depicting how the Type 076 (as suggested here) might layout the flight deck for fixed-wing operations. It is illustrative and not precise. The diagram is a simple rectangle measuring 257m in length and 37m in breadth. Essentially a Type 075 extended by 20m. To facilitate the arresting wires (blue solid lines) and a full-length landing area both aircraft lifts (orange squares) are moved to the starboard deck edge. Depending on the required length of the arresting wires there may need to be a deck extension on the port side. The black dashed line represents the centre of the landing area, with the red dashed line the foul line. The foul line is 22m from the port side. The two blue solid arrowed-headed lines represent the catapults. If it is expected to field UCAVs as part of its primary fixed-wing complement (and the UCAVs being a major operational requirement), then it would be operationally unwise to only have one catapult. EMALs may be more reliable than steam catapults, but they can still fail. Positioning of the catapults should allow aircraft with a wingspan of up to 15m. The GJ-11’s wingspan of approximately 14m is used as a reference. Positioning of arresting wires and catapult 2 should allow almost simultaneous launch and recovery. Catapult length is 75m with a launch capacity of 30,000kgs. The catapult length is not based on any facts. I have used the USS Gerald Ford’s catapults (91m for 45,000kgs) as a reference. I have used 30,000kgs for the catapults launch capacity as this should cover any UCAV in the GJ-11 class as well as the future stealth fighter. As I said in my previous post, the air-to-air warfare component of any Task Group including a Type 076 should be provided by CATBAR or STOBAR carriers. Allowing the Type 076 to operate the future stealth fighter provides significant operational flexibility and redundancy. The solid blue rectangles represent the blast deflectors. The black rectangle represents the bridge."
Type 076 flight deck 2.jpg
The above was my thinking as at 28 July 2020. As ACuriousPLAFan mentions, a rear deck elevator/lift would seem unwise for full flight deck operations. Hopefully we will know soon.


Two research papers on a certain new LHA design. Specifically, they deal with the turbulence created when the well deck is open and semi-flooded and how this condition affects small boats and vehicles entering and exiting the well deck.



Speculated internal layout gleaned from various academic publications. In the 1st image, yellow is obviously the aviation hangar, green is the vehicle hangar, and orange is the well deck. Take it with a grain of salt.


Propulsion and generator arrangement: six 6MW diesel generators + two 21MW gas turbine generators, providing power to an electrically driven propeller shafts.


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A CGI on what the 076 LHD might look like. Obtained from the 现代战舰 magazine, posted by @伏尔戈星图 on Weibo.

Note that:
1. The CGI is only a suggestion based on what we do know of the 076 LHD so far, and should not be taken as any official indication of what the actual 076 LHD will eventually look like; and
2. The S/VTOL fighters are merely based on a case study design by CAG, hence please don't take it as anything even remotely indicative of any actual work by AVIC/CAG. The same goes for the tiltrotors.
