Just my outstanding sense of humor. It was a joke of course.did I miss something?
Just my outstanding sense of humor. It was a joke of course.did I miss something?
If the Chinese navy is going to launch aircraft that require a catapult such as the one that the 76 seems to have then that aircraft will need to be recovered back to the ship. The Chinese will not throw away an aircraft after a single use. A conventional take off allied with a very short or vertical landing capability seems to be the only possibility absent evidence of an angled deck and arrestors. The most difficult part of an air mission off of a carrier is the initial launch when fuel and weapons are being carried but once those have been expended at mission end then perhaps landing an aircraft with only a little fuel and no weapons and therefore weighing a lot less than at takeoff, may be, probably is, a much easier task to design a vertical or extremely short landing solution for. Perhaps we will be surprised by a new high performance unmanned platform designed to operate from this new ship appearing in the not too distant future.So ground forces can have their own organic tactical air component.
The choice of drones rather than STOVL is pretty clear. Observing the 2 last serious conflicts (Vietnam, Ukraine), we see that manned fighters operating in air defense environment will heavily suffer. Meanwhile, drones can be used to bait out enemy radar positions, and are valid for tactical air support. Manned fighters are instead relegated to stand off duty against both enemy air and ground assets.
In a low intensity conflict, the 076 can do everything that a counter insurgency land base can do, except it remains mobile while doing it. Which shouldn't be underestimated either.
Wouldn't you be better off developing a manned STOVL aircraft, which would be much more capable and doesn't need a catapult?
No STOVL aircraft is more capable than a cat-launched aircraft of the same size. This is an built-in disadvantage of vertical landing enforced by physics.
Besides that, the cat allows you to launch other aircraft types that cannot be fitted with VTOL systems like AWACS and COD.
If you want to launch aircraft, the cat is a far better solution than developing a STOVL ac.
One Catapult. Great, who need redundancies right?A bigger version.