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Biz geçen yıl Çelik Kubbe'nin önemli bir parçası olan ALP 300-G Erken İhbar Radarı'nı üretip tasarlayarak ilk defa envantere verdik. Bu, Çelik Kubbe'nin hava sahasındaki tespitlerini yapan sensör tarafını oluşturuyor. 650 kilometrenin üzerinde menzile sahip bir radardan bahsediyoruz.

ALP-300G has a range of 650km @sequ
When it was tracking ISS at (almost) 800km, it was scanning in a 120 degree horizontal arc detecting multiple targets from 200km to 750km! Its instrumented range is a whopping 1000km!


No wonder ALP 500-G has a "restricted" range of 750km...

And as CENK 600-N is most likely going to be a navalized ALP 500-G... (don't get confused by the brochure Aselsan put out, it still has the old range figures of CAFRAD)

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When it was tracking ISS at (almost) 800km, it was scanning in a 120 degree horizontal arc detecting multiple targets from 200km to 750km! Its instrumented range is a whopping 1000km!

View attachment 143630

No wonder ALP 500-G has a "restricted" range of 750km...

And as CENK 600-N is most likely going to be a navalized ALP 500-G... (don't get confused by the brochure Aselsan put out, it still has the old range figures of CAFRAD)

Well, that's a beast


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It is very likely that the 346B uses GAN MMICs. Please note that at the 2014 Radar Show, the designer of the 346 radar, Nanjing Institute 14, exhibited the SLC-2 radar using GAN, which also uses the S band like the 346 radar, and the 055 just started construction in 2014.
View attachment 143723

Frankly this does not mean anything unless you have some evidence that the two radars are related. CETC has dozens of radars operating in the S-band, and this radar in particular is primarily a counter-battery radar, which is quite distant from a ship-based air defense radar.

Apparently the official SLC-2 display I was given stated that its combat targets include artillery shells, tactical aircraft, drones, and helicopters.
I don't quite understand why you think this radar is not used for air defense.
What is even more difficult for me to understand is that when a design unit can use GAN on land radars with weaker heat dissipation capabilities, you think it will not be used on larger shipborne radars?
What is the reason?

So the PLA is using GaN tech on a counter-battery radar but not on the radars installed on its most advance cruiser? Does that logic makes sense to you?

And that is exactly the same approach the Turks are taking.

What does their latest mobile gap-filler radar (ALP 110-G), artillery locating radar (STR 700-G), SHORAD radar (KALKAN 050-G) and even their fixed long range EW radar (ALP 500-G) have in common?

They are all S-band and (almost all) GaN based AESA radars. And they are all capable of CRAM and air surveillance:

ALP 110-G


STR 700-G


ALP 500-G

*I have no doubt their mobile EW radar (ALP 300-G) is also capable of CRAM functions. I lack source to back it up though.


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TB2 in action over Syria, one got shutdown by Kurds forces.

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Plenty of Turkish drones have been downed since last 1 1/2 year or so. There are strong indications they are downed by the "358" SAM supplied by Iran.

I hope Aselsan has put their DIRCM on these drones to prevent such thing from happening again. Although TB2 might be too small for such a system.


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Plenty of Turkish drones have been downed since last 1 1/2 year or so. There are strong indications they are downed by the "358" SAM supplied by Iran.

I hope Aselsan has put their DIRCM on these drones to prevent such thing from happening again. Although TB2 might be too small for such a system.
Tbh, putting DIRCM on a cheap system is uhh, doesn't make sense to me