Russia also didn't have problems with the composites for the MS-21 airliner until the airplane became close to production. Then magically the US sanctioned all the companies involved in that. They'll wait for Turkey to develop the aircraft, then once billions are spent developing it and they can't easily change suppliers, they'll cut the supply. Neither of those engines are 5th generation either. At best 4.5th gen.
I am not sure why you are comparing the two country situations. US has no problem supplying F-35 to Turkey except for removal of hostile power air defense system. US very generosity gave sufficient work to Turkish firms.
Turkey entire economic and military systems are depended on West and that include Turkish airlines and all fleet that is used by Government and corporates.
Export of F404 and GE110 is not a threat to US exports or military power of US allies. as they are used to make uncompetitive products in small quantities per year. look at 20 years of T129. The only downside with F404 and GE110 is that US may stop producing them and they become expensive.
MS21 is competitive with 737Max and upcoming Boeing NMA. The more Civil airlines Russia makes. the lesser incentive for it to sell titanium to Boeing or make them utilize Boeing engineering center Moscow. Even the half decent effort SSJ has produced over 250 aircrafts and occupy 50% Russian regional transport.