During our visit to Nigeria, we signed a Defense Industry Cooperation Agreement between Turkey and Nigeria.
And another customer for the TB2:
Kyrgyzstan procured Bayraktar TB2 SİHA from Turkey.
The statement was made by Kamchybek Tashiev, Chairman of the Kyrgyzstan National Security Committee. According to the information shared by the Chairman of the Kyrgyzstan National Security Committee Kamchybek Tashiev, Kyrgyzstan purchased military equipment worth 300 million Kyrgyzstani Som ($33.4 million).
According to Tashiev, Kyrgyzstan announced for the first time that they have purchased Bayraktar TB2 S/UAVs from Turkey in addition to 40 armored vehicles.
Tashiev also stated that Kyrgyzstan's TB2s are on the production line. Noting that Bayraktar TB2s are in the inventory of only 5 countries, Tashiev confirmed that Kyrgyzstan will join these countries. “To Be Delivered Soon” The information that the TB2s produced for Kyrgyzstan will be delivered soon was also shared by Tashiev. Tashiev also noted that they have procured Orlan-10 UAVs from Russia.
Hot cakes! Hot cakes I tell you!!Angola, Togo and Nigeria want Turkish drones and specifically the Akinci:
Follow up on this:Angola, Togo and Nigeria want Turkish drones and specifically the Akinci:
P.S. Rainbow might be the name for the TB3 or MIUS.