Treating Casualties of a Nerve Agent


Tyrant King
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Well looks like they are dooing better. According to the health corispondent time is the major end factor.
Unlike Radiation exposure or compounds Nerve agent is designed to break down after a period so as to allow troops to move in and secure the area as such if you can live long enough the compound will pass out of the body, and the corrupted enzymes be will be replaced.

@nicky your comments earlier appare to have actually been from RT not BBC.


The Capitalist
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Now here is an interesting thought.
A number of passers by/eye witnesses from the day of the incident have all spoken about passing the Skripals and seeing what simply looked like another "totally spaced out couple" probably on Crack or Spice. Sadly such sights are hardly uncommon in the UK these days, even in the leafy, comfy Cathedral Towns of Middle England. Normally people in this state get left for many hours, before Police come to investigate
So this brings us back to basic questions.
If the Skripals showed all the common symptoms of everyday drug abuse and it took the authorities over two days to identify the poison, how did they manage to attract emergency services so quickly and how did they survive the first couple of days before the notion of nerve agent was explored?
Sep 13, 2018
28 minutes ago
now noticed the story in English:
Skripal poisoning suspects claim they were tourists in 'wonderful town of Salisbury' to visit 'famous' cathedral
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Skripal 'hitman' unmasked as GRU colonel awarded Russia's highest military honour by Vladimir Putin
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Skripal Suspect Boshirov Identified as GRU Colonel Anatoliy Chepiga
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at first glance it looks like ГРУ has a problem